Progress on approvals reform
The Ministry of the Environment is making steady progress on its 2 plus year program to modernize environmental approvals. This month, they have posted four draft regulatory amendments for public comment.
View the post titled Progress on approvals reformEPA cuts: return of the 90s?
The US Congress has cut the budget of the American Environmental Protection Agency by 16%, with especial cuts to programs to fight climate change and pollution of air and water. Other agencies with environmental mandates, such as the National Ocean Administration, also saw large cuts, such a…
View the post titled EPA cuts: return of the 90s?Highly Commended – Top Tier – 2011
Dear Readers, Thank you for continuing to vote us one of your most honoured firms. We have received another commendation: “Your firm is receiving this notification as a recipient in the InterContinental Finance Magazine’s ‘HIGHLY COMMENDED – TOP TIER FIRMS – 2011’ programme. Your…
View the post titled Highly Commended – Top Tier – 2011Suncor stormwater conviction
According to Alberta Environment, the Provincial Court of Alberta in Fort McMurray has fined Suncor Energy Inc. $275,000 for contravening its water approval at the Voyager Upgrader site 20 kilometres north of Fort McMurray.
View the post titled Suncor stormwater convictionBP spill anniversary, lawsuits growing
On the first anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, lawsuits against BP continue to spread. Individuals and public and private entities at all levels are adding their claims, before today’s deadline. All 15 members of the Plaintiffs Steering Committee are actively inviting cli…
View the post titled BP spill anniversary, lawsuits growingSiskinds LLP announces Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation Class Action reports on Siskinds LLP announcing the commencement of a class proceeding in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.For more information, please click here.
View the post titled Siskinds LLP announces Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation Class ActionRequiring safe nuclear
As the Fukushima crisis continues to spread, Tokyo Electric has unveiled a plan that, it hopes, will stop ongoing radiation leaks within 6 to 9 months. It claims that evacuees will be able to return home in 6 months, although many critics doubt that this will actually happen, especially for …
View the post titled Requiring safe nuclearHappy Spring Holiday
Please accept our warmest wishes for a joyous, peaceful Passover and Easter. May you spend time with people dear to you, celebrating the return of light, warmth, and growing things. From all of us.
View the post titled Happy Spring HolidayAlgonquin Park and the Crown Forest (Un)Sustainability Act
In 1994, Ontario adopted the grandly named Crown Forest Sustainability Act (CFSA). A long, bruising environmental assessment (the Timber Management EA) had shown that we were ravaging Crown forests with a short term focus on extracting the most timber now, damaging the future of the forests …
View the post titled Algonquin Park and the Crown Forest (Un)Sustainability ActKeeping septic systems working
Septic systems don’t run by themselves. They need regular inspections, cleaning and maintenance, or they break down and leak raw sewage. It is therefore somewhat amazing that only last summer was the Building Code (O. Reg 350/06) amended (by O. Reg. 315/10) to require such regular inspection…
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