Ontario Budget 2011
Steady as she goes: not much changed in yesterday’s provincial budget for the environment. Most of the budget is devoted to the many achievements resulting from past/ existing initiatives. The province is pressing ahead with its Clean Energy Plan, continuing its existing support for pu…
View the post titled Ontario Budget 2011Nuclear caps in today's Globe
Jeff Gray quotes me in today’s article in the Globe and Mail, on nuclear caps in Canada, US, and Japan. Now that a federal election has been called, Canada’s fourth attempt to raise its $75 million cap on nuclear incident liability has again failed to pass. The US cap is $1.2 billion.
View the post titled Nuclear caps in today's GlobeAgent Orange: we knew, but did it anyway
As calls flood in to the Agent Orange hotline by people worried about their health, I came across a 1970-Press release by MPP Dr. Morton Shulman. Dr. Shulman, one of Canada’s early environmental campaigners, lambasted the provincial government for continuing to spray 2,4,5T up and down…
View the post titled Agent Orange: we knew, but did it anywayHeyes appeal: Subway construction a nuisance?
Is transit construction a nuisance? The British Columbia Court of Appeal has released its decision in Heyes v. Vancouver, now called Susan Heyes Inc. v. South Coast BC Transportation Authority. The court overturned a $600,000 judgment awarded to a local store owner, who was driven out of bus…
View the post titled Heyes appeal: Subway construction a nuisance?Pollution prohibition removed from Drainage Act
Ontario has revoked the old pollution prohibition in s. 83 of the Drainage Act, saying it had become redundant:
View the post titled Pollution prohibition removed from Drainage ActSiskinds LLP ranked top Canadian Securities Class Action Law Firm
Siskinds LLP ranked top Canadian Securities Class Action Law Firm and was ranked 32nd in the world by Securities Class Action Services (SCAS), operated by Institutional Shareholder Services. To see the SCAS 50 List click here.
View the post titled Siskinds LLP ranked top Canadian Securities Class Action Law FirmNuclear Liability caps in the US?
Now that Canada is heading for another federal election, Bill C-15, the fourth attempt to update Canadian nuclear liability laws, will again die on the order paper. By now, it is generally accepted that our current $75 million is ridiculously low, but there is less consensus on how it shoul…
View the post titled Nuclear Liability caps in the US?Federal budget 2011 and environment
The federal Budget plan mentions “environment” 74 times, but very few of those references relate to climate change, contamination, air, soil or water. The “environment” that the Budget focuses on is the economic one, such as:
View the post titled Federal budget 2011 and environmentMinistry of Education to come under EBR
The Ministry of the Environment is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 73/94 (General) and Ontario Regulation 681/94 (Classification of Proposals for Instruments) made under the Environmental Bill of Rights , 1993. The proposed amendments to O. Reg. 73/94 would, if made, provide that provi…
View the post titled Ministry of Education to come under EBRGreen building materials: SM 01350
Some key elements of Section 01350 are procedures to ensure good indoor air quality to protect human health.
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