How warm was 2010?
2010 tied with two other years (1998 and 2005) as the warmest years ever recorded, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Arctic sea-ice cover in December 2010 was the lowest ever measured. WMO is the United Nations’ authoritative voice on weather, climate and water.
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The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has updated its Brownfields information webpage, as part of its massive IT overhaul. Meanwhile, the ministry is considering whether to fix some problems with regulation 153/04 (records of site condition and contaminated sites) before major changes come…
View the post titled Brownfields: Better information, fewer errors?Hanna v. MOE, wind energy in the Divisional Court
Ed Hanna’s attack on the Ontario renewable energy approval system for wind turbines is before the Ontario Divisional Court this week. Richard Blackwell quoted me about it in Monday’s Globe.
View the post titled Hanna v. MOE, wind energy in the Divisional CourtEnvironmental Violations Administrative Monetary Penalties
The federal Environmental Violations Administrative Monetary Penalties Act is now in force. In June 2009, the federal government passed the Environmental Enforcement Act, to amend nine existing environmental statutes and to create the Environmental Violations Administrative Monetary Penaltie…
View the post titled Environmental Violations Administrative Monetary PenaltiesPCB Cleanup Dispute goes to the CEC
Bennett Environmental has filed a complaint with the Commission on Environmental Cooperation, alleging that Canada, and more specifically the province of Québec, is failing to effectively enforce Québec’s Environment Quality Act (EQA) and the Regulation Respecting the Burial of Contami…
View the post titled PCB Cleanup Dispute goes to the CECThomas Homer-Dixon
Perhaps because I am a professional pessimist,, I am increasingly persuaded by the apocalyptic visions of Thomas Homer Dixon. After more than 30 years labouring for environmental protection, in the company of many good people, I find it heartbreaking that we have achieved so little. Worse, …
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The US National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling reviews, in painstaking detail, the pervasive arrogance, stupidity, and greed that led to the Gulf explosion and spill last spring. They recognize that future spills, such as in the Arctic, could do even …
View the post titled BP Spill- Never again?Lots of regulations
The Ontario government is busy pushing out regulations, and seeking comments on new ones. Current consultations include:
View the post titled Lots of regulationsEnd of slow death by rubber duck?
In 2009, we blogged about plastics that contain (and release) phthalates, plasticizers used in the manufacture of soft vinyl used in many products ( New Phthalates Regulations under the Hazardous Products Act (HPA) were registered on Decem…
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Who is the environmental law firm of the year? There seem to be a lot of rating services competing to decide. This week, we have been honoured as an (or the?) “Environmental Law Firm of the Year” for Canada by two of them: Corporate INTL Magazine, and DealMakers Monthly. We thought you wo…
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