Risk Management for Mercury?
In 2003, the United Nations Environment Program published a Global Mercury Assessment Report, confirming (if there was any doubt) that mercury is highly toxic, causing significant health and environmental impacts around the world. So why haven’t we done more? I am always sad when I see child…
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I’ve been meaning to note my agreement with the Economist lead article on learning to live with climate change. As a world population, we had an opportunity to prevent the worst of the impacts of climate change. Since we threw that opportunity away, we must now learn to live with the c…
View the post titled Infrastructure, migration and foodWho pays for basement flooding?
It will likely be increasingly difficult for home and business owners to find anyone willing to pay for basement flooding. According to the insurers’ Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, “basement flooding is one of the biggest challenges facing homeowners, municipal governments…
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Most modern toxic substances control laws are based on the 1976 US Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. §2601 et seq. (TSCA). It provides the US Environmental Protection Agency with authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to cert…
View the post titled US toxics overhaulCongratulations to Peter Kent
We want to send our congratulations, best wishes and some sympathy to the Hon. Peter Kent, Canada’s new Minister of the Environment. We do agree with Jeffrey Simpson: Minister Kent has an extremely difficult job, given his leader’s staunch opposition to effective action on the m…
View the post titled Congratulations to Peter KentProposed law to ban organic waste from landfills
Former environment minister Norm Sterling has introduced a private member’s Bill to ban organic waste from landfills. The Bill would amend the Environmental Protection Act. Most private members’ Bills die on the order paper, but some make it through and become law, with the suppo…
View the post titled Proposed law to ban organic waste from landfillsOur wind turbine, on film!
As part of Photosensitive, Anne-Marie Jackson made a great short film about the Windshare turbine at the Exhibition, which helped to pave the way for the Green Energy Act and Ontario’s whole renewable energy strategy. It’s only 3 minutes long. Enjoy.
View the post titled Our wind turbine, on film!Water’s Next: Prize-winning innovators
One of last year’s most fun pro bono projects was to help select Canada’s prize-winning water innovators for the launch of Kerry Freek’s new project Water’s Next. It was exciting to read all the nominations, and to be reminded of how much good news goes unnoticed. Co…
View the post titled Water’s Next: Prize-winning innovatorsWow, a CLawBie!
We are honoured and delighted to have received one of this year’s Canadian Legal Blog awards (for Best Practitioner Blogs)- a CLawBie! Details at CLawBies and at SLAW, Canada’s all time best legal blog. Since no other environmental blogs made the list, we must be the best! (right…
View the post titled Wow, a CLawBie!Energy plan consultation ends this week
The government’s long-term energy plan, which is proposed to set energy policy until 2030, is open for public input only until January 7, 2011. The overriding issue is whether the public will support higher energy costs now for a greener, more reliable future. You can submit your comments online
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