Renewable energy approval regulation amended
Ontario’s renewable energy approval regulation has been significantly amended, effective January 1, 2011. The ministry received 285 comments on the proposed amendments, and made at least 10 changes as a result. According to the ministry, the key changes that occurred due to public cons…
View the post titled Renewable energy approval regulation amendedGHG Reporting regulation amended
Ontario has amended its greenhouse gas reporting regulation. The amendments to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reporting Regulation (O. Reg. 452/09) and Guideline were filed in December 2010. ??The amendments simplify the regulation by: removing limits on the amount of emissions from the…
View the post titled GHG Reporting regulation amendedExtra time for Toxic Reduction plans?
The Ministry of the Environment plans to give Ontario industries an extra year to prepare their toxic substance reduction plans and plan summaries, under the Toxics Reduction Act 2009. Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 455/09 have been reposted for further comment; comments are invited until …
View the post titled Extra time for Toxic Reduction plans?Suncor fined $200,000
On December 21, Suncor Energy Inc. pleaded guilty to 2 counts of depositing a deleterious substance into waters frequented by fish, in contravention of s. 36(3) of the Fisheries Act. In the summer of 2008, during construction of a bridge over the the Steepbank River, north of Fort McMurray, …
View the post titled Suncor fined $200,000Brownfields deadline looms
There are just a few days left for landowners who want to extend their right to finish existing cleanups using the “old” (2004) cleanup standards. As of July 1, 2011, stricter (2009) cleanup standards will come into effect under Ontario Reg. 153/04. Landowners can preserve the op…
View the post titled Brownfields deadline loomsSigns of the times
Sign of the times No. 1: Texas Tech University is offering the first U.S. PhD in wind science and engineering. Sign of the times No. 2: Fate of the world video games predict that global warming will send the world to hell in a hand basket in the next century. It’s based on climate models...
View the post titled Signs of the timesSLAPP Panel recommends anti-SLAPP law
The Ministry of the Attorney General has published the report of the Anti-SLAPP Advisory Panel. The report is on the Ministry’s web site at: The panel adopted most of the Ontario Bar Association recom…
View the post titled SLAPP Panel recommends anti-SLAPP lawThe International Handbook On Private Enforcement of Competition Law
Partner Charles Wright with the Class Actions Department authors a chapter in the newly released American Antitrust Institute’s The International Handbook On Private Enforcement of Competition Law published by Edward Elgar Publishing. Click the following link to visit the publisher’s websi…
View the post titled The International Handbook On Private Enforcement of Competition LawRegulation Decision Notice: Proposed Amendments to O.Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals), which can be found here: As a key pillar in supporting the development of…
View the post titledRenewable Energy Approvals reg amended
Regulation Decision Notice: Proposed Amendments to O.Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals), which can be found here: As a key pillar in supporting the development of…
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