Now can they make you talk?
Most of the “Open for Business Act” changes to Ontario environmental laws won’t take effect till next year or so. But one important change has already happened: they may be able to make you talk.
View the post titled Now can they make you talk?Cumulative pollution a Charter breach?
Ecojustice has launched a lawsuit on behalf of Aamjiwnaaang First Nation members, Ron Plain and Ada Lockridge, alleging that the cumulative effects of government approved pollution in Sarnia’s Chemical Valley amounts to a violation of their human rights under sections 7 and 15 of the …
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Bill 68, the Open for Business Act, has received Royal Assent. Schedule 7 of the Act makes major changes to a range of Ministry of the Environment statutes. Most will be phased in over time. For example, the Environmental Protection Act has received major amendments. A new Permit by Rule ap…
View the post titled Open for Business- new rules for approvalsHazardous waste nonsuit decision
As mentioned last week, we won a rare non-suit motion in the Ontario Court of Justice on three counts, each against three defendants charged with improperly managing hazardous waste at a transfer site, contrary to the Environmental Protection Act. In each case, the Ministry of the Environme…
View the post titled Hazardous waste nonsuit decisionTilting at windmills?
Jeff Gray quoted Dianne in the Globe this week, on the impact of the new rules on appealing renewable energy approvals. Read the article here. Meanwhile, we hear that Syncrude killed more ducks with its tailings ponds, just days after agreeing to pay $3 million for the last duck kill. So, t…
View the post titled Tilting at windmills?BPA- a toxic substance
Canada has just become the first country in the world to regulate bisphenol A(BPA) as a toxic substance, adopting a precautionary approach and recognizing that the compound may be harmful to human and environmental health.
View the post titled BPA- a toxic substanceSyncrude pays $3M for dead ducks
On Friday, Syncrude was ordered to pay $3 million in penalties for the 1,600 ducks killed in its tailings ponds four years ago. This is the highest total penalty ever imposed in Canada for an environmental offence. Syncrude was fined the maximum for a single incident: $300,000 for the feder…
View the post titled Syncrude pays $3M for dead ducksElectricity pricing changing again
Proposed changes to Ontario’s electricity pricing system should reward big customers more for shifting demand off-peak.
View the post titled Electricity pricing changing againEnvironmental Lawyer of the year: Best Lawyers
Dear Dianne Saxe, Please accept our congratulations on being named the Best Lawyers’ 2011 Toronto Environmental Lawyer of the Year.
View the post titled Environmental Lawyer of the year: Best LawyersThe dirty side of "clean fill"
Consumers and businesses frequently purchase or accept “clean fill” for use on their properties, without requiring environmental testing. But if the fill is contaminated, the ultimate costs can be very high.
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