Financial Assurance and HST
Should financial assurance include HST? Financial assurance is designed to ensure that taxpayer doesn’t have to pay the bill, if an industrial operation becomes insolvent, abandoning an environmental mess. Most businesses provide financial assurance by posting cash or letter of credit.…
View the post titled Financial Assurance and HSTTar ponds class action close to certification?
The most interesting part of the judgment will be how it treats pollution impacts on human health.
View the post titled Tar ponds class action close to certification?Texas wind lawsuit a sign of things to come?
A major Texas wind lawsuit has underscored the importance of proper contracts to allocate the common risk of inadequate transmission capacity.
View the post titled Texas wind lawsuit a sign of things to come?Ethanol in gasoline- should we celebrate?
The renewable fuels regulation is a better win for the agricultural lobby than it is for those concerned about climate change.
View the post titled Ethanol in gasoline- should we celebrate?Does the Endangered Species Act have teeth?
Is that all the Endangered Species Act will do? Create an expensive sort of legal shell game while irreplaceable habitat is bulldozed?
View the post titled Does the Endangered Species Act have teeth?MicroFIT flip flops
The Ontario Power Authority keeps looking for ways to reduce the popularity, and therefore the cost, of its high-priced MicroFIT solar electricity program. The program was designed to guarantee renewable energy producers a profit. Since small scale solar PV is the most expensive electricity …
View the post titled MicroFIT flip flopsSpills are good for lawyers
Spills always seem to be good for lawyers, if not for the environment. More than 300 lawsuits have been filed against BP relating to the Gulf oil spill, in addition to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility that is handing out emergency money from the $20 billion set aside by BP. But lower profile …
View the post titled Spills are good for lawyersCan Orange Drop survive without EcoFee?
In all the fuss about the EcoFee, no one seems to have noticed Orange Drop. The much maligned EcoFee was a system to have purchasers of household hazardous products pay for the proper disposal of those products, instead of loading the cost on municipalities or future generations. Orange Dro…
View the post titled Can Orange Drop survive without EcoFee?Tar sands polluting the Athabaska River
How do the tar sands operators get away with polluting the great Athabaska River, despite federal and provincial laws that allegedly protect rivers? By insisting that everything is fine, and that all the pollution is “natural”. Now, Professor David Schindler has blown their cover…
View the post titled Tar sands polluting the Athabaska RiverSyncrude sentencing put off re ducks
Syncrude has decided to make a deal, if it can, rather than keep fighting. The trial for killing 1600 ducks in a tailings pond was scheduled to resume August 18, in order to decide whether Syncrude can be fined for both the federal and provincial offences. Instead, the case has been adjour…
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