Environmental Penalties higher in 2009
The Ministry of the Environment issued more environmental penalties in 2009: 13, totalling over $107,000. Although the total is still small, this is a significant increase over the 6 EP, totalling $69,583, that the Ministry issued in 2008. Companies were able to obtain reductions of up to 25…
View the post titled Environmental Penalties higher in 2009Wood fires, soot and climate change
Soot (black carbon) is not a greenhouse gas, but it is carbon’s accomplice in global warming.
View the post titled Wood fires, soot and climate changePaul Ekins and green taxes
Prof John Ekins told a packed house today that wetern economies have to improve the productivity of carbon by a factor of 10 by mid century. Every knowledgeable person knows that depends on pricing carbon. Prof Ekins cites numerous studies that green tax shifts can also produce the necessay …
View the post titled Paul Ekins and green taxesHaiti, deforestation and environmental collapse
Deforestation (together with corruption and violence) had brought Haiti close to environmental collapse even before this week’s tragic earthquake. See, for example http://video.nytimes.com/video/2010/01/13/world/americas/1247466532047/haiti-s-legacy-of-environmental-disaster.html. See …
View the post titled Haiti, deforestation and environmental collapseMore thoughts about fairness
The Nova Scotia Law Reform Commission wrestled recently with the concept of fairness in environmental liability, especially in relation to retroactive laws and joint and several liability. It is interesting to compare this to the ERT decision in Kawartha Lakes in November:
View the post titled More thoughts about fairnessNew rules on moving soil
New rules should significantly increase the cost of disposing of surplus soils from construction projects.
View the post titled New rules on moving soilRenewable energy approvals
Dianne spoke this week to a conference on renewable energy infrastructure in Ontario. Renewable Energy approvals, Jan 26 is her presentation. Please let us know what you think!
View the post titled Renewable energy approvals"Enhanced" Records of Site Condition
According to the Ministry of the Environment, one of its key changes to Reg. 153/04 (in Reg. 511/09) are its “enhancements” to the Record of Site Condition process. These “enhancements” have three major components: A quality control / audit process for Records of Site Condition, before they …
View the post titled "Enhanced" Records of Site ConditionReg. 511/09: did they really mean this?
Some of the previously unannounced Reg. 511/09 amendments to Ontario’s brownfields regulation, 153/04, seem to have unexpected effects. For example, wells for dewatering or for groundwater treatment may now require every property within 250 metres to use potable (not non-potable) clean…
View the post titled Reg. 511/09: did they really mean this?Real protection of watersheds
In the ongoing fallout of Ontario’s unfortunate response to the Walkerton water disaster, the objective of Ontario's source protection plans will be too narrow: protecting the immediate vicinity of sources of drinking water. Watersheds have many “functions” other than providing drinking w…
View the post titled Real protection of watershedsReceive Blog Posts
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