Can municipalities still regulate renewable energy projects?
Some municipal lawyers argue, however, that municipalities may still have the power to block unpopular renewable energy projects, such as wind turbines.
View the post titled Can municipalities still regulate renewable energy projects?US liable for Katrina damages
Canadian courts would also be likely to hold government liable for negligent operation of a public work that caused substantial damage to individuals. Given the predicted intensity and ferocity of future storms in Canada, governments at all levels should be looking carefully at how they …
View the post titled US liable for Katrina damagesWho's the greatest threat to world peace?
George Monbiot says it is Canada, because of our stance on climate change: The immediate threat to the global effort to sustain a peaceful and stable world comes not from Saudi Arabia or Iran or China. It comes from Canada. How could that be true? … The government’s scheming at the cli…
View the post titled Who's the greatest threat to world peace?Do wind turbines hurt property values?
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has released a report: “The Impact of Wind Power Projects on Residential Property Values in the United States: A Multi-Site Hedonic Analysis”, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The researchers collected data on almost 7,500 sales of single-family …
View the post titled Do wind turbines hurt property values?Court of Appeal overturns Berendsen
The most lasting impact of Berendsen may be Judge Seppi's trenchant criticism of the MOE's standard-setting process, and its failure to consider either cumulative effects or special sensitivities of some species.
View the post titled Court of Appeal overturns BerendsenOntario has posted its GHG reporting regulation
Ontario has adopted Regulation 452/09, its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting regulation. The regulation will require a broad range of Ontario organizations to report their greenhouse gas emissions, starting with the calendar year that begins January 1, 2010. In response to 33 submissions co…
View the post titled Ontario has posted its GHG reporting regulation$1,000,000 penalty for odour
Fines for industrial accidents keep climbing. On November 4, 2009, BP Canada Energy Company pleaded guilty to one count of causing an odorous discharge that caused an adverse effect. BP was fined $800,000 plus the 25% victim fine surcharge. BP operates a natural gas liquid fractionation plan…
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View the post titled What topics should we cover?Orange trees in Ontario?
Is the Ontario Ministry of the Environment really worried about soil toxicity in Ontario adversely affecting orange trees?
View the post titled Orange trees in Ontario?Toxic toys?
Even very responsible companies can stock products that may be harmful.
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