James Lovelock and the climate "phony war"
Lovelock argues persuasively that we are already headed to huge, irreversible temperature changes, which will massively disrupt human society and populations. These changes will be far greater and faster than those predicted by the IPCC.
View the post titled James Lovelock and the climate "phony war"Spills from ships – federal or provincial?
Spills from ships into navigable waters are subject to both federal and provincial spill control laws.
View the post titled Spills from ships – federal or provincial?Source Water protection on to phase 2
Under the Clean Water Act, source protection committees in Ontario are moving on to formal assessments of threats to drinking water quality and quantity.
View the post titled Source Water protection on to phase 2What is Biomass?
Now that interest in green energy is hot, everyone is trying to define "biomass".
View the post titled What is Biomass?Carbon footprint of spam
McAfee has released a fascinating report on the huge carbon footprint of spam. It concludes: Users viewing and deleting spam is the largest energy drain associated with spam – manually sorting, viewing and deleting spam, as well as searching for legitimate email, uses almost 18 billio…
View the post titled Carbon footprint of spamConsultation underway for first Green Energy Act regulations
The Ministry of Energy has already begun consultations on its first regulation under the Green Energy Act, to exempt small renewable energy projects from local and municipal land-use controls.
View the post titled Consultation underway for first Green Energy Act regulationsBetter environmental disclosure coming in Ontario
The Ontario Legislature has called on the Ontario Securities Commission to adopt an enhanced reporting framework for social and environmental information.
View the post titled Better environmental disclosure coming in OntarioUS rushing to prepare for GHG reporting, and maybe cap and trade
The US EPA is rushing to have its GHG reporting rule finalized and in effect by January 1, 2010.
View the post titled US rushing to prepare for GHG reporting, and maybe cap and tradeLawyers reflect on the Toxics Reductions Act
The OBA is cautiously supportive of Bill 167, provided that the Act is restricted to essentially the same list of toxic substances that is identified and regulated through the federal Chemical Management Plan, and is limited to planning and reporting, not mandatory reductions.
View the post titled Lawyers reflect on the Toxics Reductions ActGreen Energy Act passed
For a statute that will make such fundamental changes in Ontario's energy policy, this was a stunningly quick transformation from "an intriguing idea" last September to law in less than nine months.
View the post titled Green Energy Act passedReceive Blog Posts
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