Effective nature conservation in the developing world
Galapagos is a rare success story in nature conservation in the developing world. In the last few years, a less corrupt central government has put more emphasis on its protection. Park rules on tourist impacts are strict and being enforced- outgoing luggage is searched for contraband.
View the post titled Effective nature conservation in the developing worldWho's Who, International Environmental Lawyers
Thank you to Who’s Who Legal, for including us in the 2009 edition of Who’s Who, International Environmental Lawyers. We really appreciate this continuing recognition by our peers around the world.
View the post titled Who's Who, International Environmental LawyersToronto Climate Change Risk Assessment
Dianne is honoured to have joined the City of Toronto's Expert Advisory Panel on Climate Change Risk Management.
View the post titled Toronto Climate Change Risk AssessmentUsed tires diversion plan
Waste Diversion Ontario has released its proposed diversion program for used tires. Public comments will be accepted until March 29. The plan targets a tire diversion rate of 90% for passenger tires and 50% for off-road tires by 2015, and promises to clean up existing stockpiles of tires in…
View the post titled Used tires diversion planSome overdue congratulations to Minister Gerretsen
We are glad to congratulate Minister Gerretson on proclaiming the cosmetic pesticides ban, and on becoming the new president of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. Well-done and best wishes.
View the post titled Some overdue congratulations to Minister GerretsenFederal environmental assessment cutbacks
Federal government removes environmental assessment requirements for up to 2000 infrastructure projects over the next two years, about 90% of the infrastructure projects that would otherwise receive federal EA.
View the post titled Federal environmental assessment cutbacksKey legal issues in the Green Energy Act
Bill 150, the Green Energy Act, will directly affect lawyers all over Ontario, including those in the environmental, energy, municipal, and natural resource fields. As a result, the Ontario Bar Association is preparing detailed comments that will address at least the following issues:
View the post titled Key legal issues in the Green Energy ActRegulation of noise
Noise is one of the classic irritants that drives neighbours crazy.
View the post titled Regulation of noiseGreen energy generation, but what about transmission?
The "right to connect" is not as simple as it sounds.
View the post titled Green energy generation, but what about transmission?Renewable energy approvals
One great feature of the Green Energy Act will be freeing renewable energy projects from the current straightjacket of Ministry of the Environment rules on “waste”.
View the post titled Renewable energy approvalsReceive Blog Posts
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