Pesticide Drift may not be Offence
An Ontario court has ruled that offsite drift of a pesticide is not necessarily an offence. Neighbours abutting a farm complained that they and their animals were made ill when the herbicide, Prowl, drifted from the adjacent farm. Ministry of the Environment confirmed that some Prowl had lan…
View the post titled Pesticide Drift may not be OffenceCarbon footprint of products
Should there be a consistent world wide method to calculate and advertise the carbon footprint of products? And, if so, what should it say?
View the post titled Carbon footprint of productsEnvironmental penalties in 2008
Ontario Ministry of the Environment imposes first five environmental penalties for spills.
View the post titled Environmental penalties in 20082008 Statements of Environmental Values
This fall, several ministries, including the Ministry of the Environment, quietly adopted new Statements of Environmental Values, to replace the 1994 versions. The new SEVs are more detailed and more ambitious. This may make it even more difficult for the MOE to issue approvals for innovativ…
View the post titled 2008 Statements of Environmental ValuesSpecialty Insurance for Green Buildings
AIG Risk Management has announced two new insurance endorsements for owners or managers of buildings that comply with recognized green building standards, such as LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), which is the certification program of the U.S. Green Building Council (USG…
View the post titled Specialty Insurance for Green BuildingsFleet Phospho-soda Class Action: On December 11, 2008, C.B. Fleet Company, Inc. announced that it was recalling all of its over-the-counter phospho-soda products following the FDA’s determination that consumers should not be using over-the-counter products for bowel cleansing.
Use of Fleet Phospho-soda for bowel cleansing has been associated with an increased risk of developing severe renal problems. For full article click here. If you have any questions or require further information, contact the Class Action Team at Siskinds by clicking this Contact Us link.
View the post titled Fleet Phospho-soda Class Action: On December 11, 2008, C.B. Fleet Company, Inc. announced that it was recalling all of its over-the-counter phospho-soda products following the FDA’s determination that consumers should not be using over-the-counter products for bowel cleansing.Nitrogen: boon and threat
Fritz Haber, born 140 years ago this week, was a German Jewish chemist who won the Nobel Prize for discovering how to fix nitrogen from the air. It is this critical invention – artificial fertilizer- which allowed the world population to explode to its current level. Nitrogen pollution…
View the post titled Nitrogen: boon and threatHuge fines plus jail
Ministry of the Environment prosecutors are having a very good month.
View the post titled Huge fines plus jailWhat can go wrong with sampling?
Dianne’s presentation was a romp through everything (ok, some of the things) that can go wrong in the process of sampling, analyzing and reporting on pollution.
View the post titled What can go wrong with sampling?Clean water rules shut down Boy Scout camp
Another example of environmental law making the world a better place?
View the post titled Clean water rules shut down Boy Scout campReceive Blog Posts
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