SWSSA, where are you?
One of the key promises the Ontario government wanted to keep before this election was to implement all of the recommendations of the Walkerton Inquiry. And, indeed, the government now proudly announces that it has done just that. However, there has been no progress on one of the statutes th…
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Thirty years ago, computer geeks programmed and stored all data with punch cards. Many of those cards were printed in rented facilities on Commander Boulevard, Toronto, a street already famous for setting pollution precedents. As it turns out, the coloured stripe across the top of the cards …
View the post titled Remember Punch Cards?Election Promises
With the provincial election in full swing, all parties are making environmental promises. The reigning Liberals are promising to: • Create a tough new toxic reduction law • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6% below 1990 levels by 2014, 15% below by 2020 and 80% by 2050, e.g. by – Co…
View the post titled Election PromisesTorrey Canyon – We do learn from some mistakes
Forty years ago, one of the largest maritime pollution disasters occurred: the wreck of the Torrey Canyon, the first big maritime oil spill. In response to this catastrophe, the oil tanker industry improved standards and set up a cooperative response system called the International Tanker Ow…
View the post titled Torrey Canyon – We do learn from some mistakesThey put a Subdivision Where?
A Newfoundland case has sent a discouraging warning to major industries across the country. City Sand and Gravel Limited operated a quarry in St. John’s. Because of the regular blasting, the Department of Mines and Energy required a buffer zone of 300 meters between the quarry and resi…
View the post titled They put a Subdivision Where?Pesticide ban
According to news reports, Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals will promise next week to introduce a province-wide ban of household cosmetic pesticides, if they are re-elected in October. Following two precedent-setting court cases, numerous municipalities, including Toronto and London, have al…
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Until September 19, 2007, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund (GMF) is accepting applications from municipalities for low-interest loans to fund brownfield remediation projects. The projects must result in conservation of heritage buildings or construction of new …
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The Ministry of the Environment has proposed two new Codes of Practice for Ontario’s environmental assessment process: Preparing and Reviewing Environmental Assessments and Class Environmental Assessments. Comments may be made between August 17, 2007 and October 16, 2007. The Code of Practic…
View the post titled More Codes of Practice for Environmental AssessmentCharging for Water Taking
In a small step in the right direction, Ontario will begin charging industrial and commercial water users for the ground and surface water that they take, under Ontario regulation 450/07, Charges for Industrial and Commercial Water Users. In the first phase, water-taking fees will only apply…
View the post titled Charging for Water TakingLandfill Gas
The MOE is proposing to amend regulations under the Environmental Protection Act to mandate collection of landfill gas at all larger landfills. Unfortunately for municipalities, this would strip landfill gas collection of its eligibility for carbon emission reduction credits. One essential f…
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