The SEC crackdown on crypto-securities: SEC v. Ripple
It’s a busy new year for lawyers representing Ripple Labs Inc. (“Ripple”), as they prepare to face off with American regulators in the “Cryptocurrency Trial of the Century”. On December 22, 2020, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission launched an action against Ripple Labs Inc. and two …
View the post titled The SEC crackdown on crypto-securities: SEC v. RippleMajor update to Canadian privacy legislation in the works… What does this mean for class actions?
For the first time since the implementation of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) in 2000, the federal government has introduced an update to Canada’s privacy framework via Bill C-11, or the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020, which underwent it…
View the post titled Major update to Canadian privacy legislation in the works… What does this mean for class actions?Who pays for treatment following a motor vehicle accident?
When clients first consult us following a motor vehicle accident, many ask how they will be able to afford the treatment they need to recover. Some forms of treatment, such as visits with your family doctor, are funded by OHIP. However, services provided by most healthcare professionals, inc…
View the post titled Who pays for treatment following a motor vehicle accident?2021: COVID-19 is still here and employers must remain vigilant
2020 was quite the year for all of us, including employers. As COVID-19 walloped the globe, many businesses were forced to temporarily close due to regional or provincewide lockdowns. Many are wondering what is in store for 2021. Ultimately, no one knows, but with vaccines starting to be ro…
View the post titled 2021: COVID-19 is still here and employers must remain vigilantWhat is an insurer’s examination and must I attend?
In the province of Ontario, individuals injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident can claim no fault benefits through their accident benefits carrier. Available benefits include income replacement benefits and medical and rehabilitation benefits. After an individual has applied for and…
View the post titled What is an insurer’s examination and must I attend?Could the Prime Minister ban TikTok?
Short answer: Probably not on his own. He likely needs Parliament’s help. But why are we talking about banning TikTok? As many of our readers know, President Trump has been trying to ban TikTok for months now. On August 6, 2020, President Trump issued executive order 13942 giving authority t…
View the post titled Could the Prime Minister ban TikTok?Health Canada releases updated warnings about Elmiron related vision loss
Health Canada released a Dear Health Professional Letter on December 15, 2020 to advise healthcare professionals, including urologists, urogynecologists, ophthalmologists, optometrists, family physicians, and pharmacists about cases of pigmentary maculopathy reported with use of Elmiron. As …
View the post titled Health Canada releases updated warnings about Elmiron related vision lossConsiderations for the appointment of parents in minor guardianship applications: Santella v Bruneau (Litigation Guardian of)
In Santella v Bruneau (Litigation Guardian of), 2020 ONSC 2937, Justice Corthorn discussed factors that the Court will consider when making a determination regarding whether a parent will be appointed as Guardian of Property of their child’s funds or whether the funds will be paid into Court…
View the post titled Considerations for the appointment of parents in minor guardianship applications: Santella v Bruneau (Litigation Guardian of)New trust reporting rules in effect in 2021
New reporting and disclosure rules will come into effect in 2021 for certain trusts. For trusts in existence as of January 1st 2021, trustees must report specific information including names, addresses, birthdates and tax identification numbers for the creator of the trust (settlor), all tru…
View the post titled New trust reporting rules in effect in 2021Civil jury trials during the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in an era of uncertainty for litigants in several respects, not the least of which has included interruption to regular Court operations and uncertainty with respect to whether and when civil jury trials can be conducted. The most recent indicator of this un…
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