No protection for employers under the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act
On Friday, November 20, 2020, the Ontario government enacted the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act, 2020 (the “Act”). As discussed by my colleague Anna Stoll in COVID-19 and limiting liability, the Act retroactively limits civil liability for the transmission and/or contraction of COVID-19 i…
View the post titled No protection for employers under the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery ActConducting workplace investigations COVID-style
As the COVID-19 pandemic carries on in Canada, it is becoming apparent that virtual workplace investigations may be here to stay for longer than we anticipated and most likely permanently. For many workplace investigators, virtually investigating was a new way of doing things and with nearly…
View the post titled Conducting workplace investigations COVID-styleBritish Columbia Supreme Court rejects plan of arrangement for barring claims of historical shareholders
Overview In Re iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc., 2020 BCSC 1442, Justice Gomery of the BCSC rejected a plan of arrangement due to the overly broad scope of release and injunction clauses which were found to bar claims of historical shareholders which preceded the plan. His Honour did not dismi…
View the post titled British Columbia Supreme Court rejects plan of arrangement for barring claims of historical shareholdersCourts reject “improvident” settlement in CHL class actions
Recent settlement approval decisions issued by the Ontario, Alberta and Quebec courts provide useful commentary on the appropriate scope of a release in a class action settlement. Class actions were commenced in Ontario, Alberta and Quebec concerning the employment status of major junior hoc…
View the post titled Courts reject “improvident” settlement in CHL class actionsRight to access your vehicle’s telematic data?
In our previous post, we explained how the US November 3rd election resulted in developments that were overlooked. Namely, the expansion of the recreational and medicinal cannabis market. Another underreported but critical development took place in Massachusetts where Bay Staters voted en ma…
View the post titled Right to access your vehicle’s telematic data?Employers: Supreme Court of Canada weighs in on discrimination, bonus entitlements
It has been some time since the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) last addressed employment-law related issues, but it recently issued two noteworthy decisions that may be relevant to employers. In Fraser v. Canada (Attorney General), 2020 SCC 28, the SCC arguably set the bar lower for employe…
View the post titled Employers: Supreme Court of Canada weighs in on discrimination, bonus entitlementsWhat real estate professionals need to know about incorporating
On March 4, 2020, Bill 145 received royal assent and amended and replaced the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act with the Trust in Real Estate Services Act (TRESA). The most significant amendment ushered in under TRESA is that real estate professionals are now permitted to carry on their b…
View the post titled What real estate professionals need to know about incorporatingFines of over $120,000 imposed for serial violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Not ensuring a safe workplace can be a costly mistake as one London, Ontario rebar fabricator recently found out. During the summer of 2018, a Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development Inspector issued 18 orders to AGF Rebar Inc. (“AGF”) requiring that certain machinery inside its…
View the post titled Fines of over $120,000 imposed for serial violations of the Occupational Health and Safety ActCOVID-19 and limiting liability
In response to growing and prospective litigation arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, several jurisdictions have considered liability protection legislation1. The Ontario Government is no exception and has recently introduced Bill 218, the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act (the “Act” or th…
View the post titled COVID-19 and limiting liabilityThe ever-expanding cannabis market
On November 3, 2020, the world watched eagerly to determine whether President Trump would become re-elected or whether Former Vice-President Challenger Joe Biden would supplant the incumbent. Finally, on November 7th we received the definitive answer. But many have overlooked another importa…
View the post titled The ever-expanding cannabis marketReceive Blog Posts
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