Expanded tax on split income (TOSI) rules for professionals
Many professionals choose to incorporate a professional corporation to take advantage of the various tax benefits of doing so. Professionals, such as physicians and dentists, who are permitted to include family members[1] as shareholders, have historically been able to benefit from income s…
View the post titled Expanded tax on split income (TOSI) rules for professionalsEmployment law: 2019 year in review
Another year is winding to an end – which, of course, means that it’s time to reflect on the legal developments that we have seen in Ontario during the year. In this blog, I will present my non-exhaustive list of the most interesting developments to employment law in Ontario in 2019. Termina…
View the post titled Employment law: 2019 year in review12 years later – have things changed?
Approximately 12 years ago the Nobel Peace Prize was equally shared between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Al Gore “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are ne…
View the post titled 12 years later – have things changed?Advantages and disadvantages of franchising your business
If you’re reading this article, you’re probably considering franchising as a method of expansion for your business. You might be considering franchising as a result of your own research into expansion options for your business, or (as is often the case) you might be considering franchising b…
View the post titled Advantages and disadvantages of franchising your businessShould I franchise my business?
Franchising as a business expansion model has many advantages and can be a great choice for the right business. However, not all businesses are well-suited to be franchised (sometimes called “franchisable”). Moreover, a business needs to be at the right stage to start franchising. This artic…
View the post titled Should I franchise my business?‘Tis the season: A refresher on social host liability
Another year is coming to an end. ‘Tis the season of holiday parties with friends, family, and colleagues. Amid this festivity, a reminder about the law on social host liability is apropos. The leading case on social host liability is Childs v Desormeaux[1], where the Supreme Court of Canada…
View the post titled ‘Tis the season: A refresher on social host liability6 key elements of a business succession plan
Business succession planning is an important part of operating a successful business and developing a strong retirement plan. In this article, retired Siskinds’ partner and business lawyer, Henry Berg, discusses the importance of careful and intentional planning in order to ensure a successf…
View the post titled 6 key elements of a business succession planChanges are coming: 2020 amendments to the simplified procedure
The new year will be ushered in with substantial changes to Rule 76 of the Rules of Civil Procedure relating to the simplified procedure, with amendments taking effect on January 1st, 2020. Related changes to the Courts of Justice Act have also been implemented. The amendments are part of an…
View the post titled Changes are coming: 2020 amendments to the simplified procedureInvestigations and inspections
What to do when the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks comes knocking It can be unnerving when a provincial officer from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (“MECP”) shows up at your business unannounced. Being prepared, and understanding your rights and …
View the post titled Investigations and inspections$100,000 fine for smoke discharge
On November 28, 2019 Clean Harbors Canada Inc., (“Clean Harbors”) pled guilty to violating the Environmental Protection Act on June 12, 2017 due to the discharge of a contaminant, namely smoke into the natural environment, and was fined $100,000 plus the 25% victim fine surcharge. The compa…
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