Ford Loses Motion to Dismiss Ecojustice Case for Cancelling Cap and Trade
The recent attempt of the Ford government to dismiss a court case against them brought by Greenpeace Canada, represented by Ecojustice[1], failed on January 26, 2019. Ecojustice filed a lawsuit against the Government of Ontario for failing to consult the public when it ended Ontario’s cap an…
View the post titled Ford Loses Motion to Dismiss Ecojustice Case for Cancelling Cap and TradeProposed new “Open-for-business” by-law authority scrapped
On Wednesday January 23, 2018, the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing announced that the government would not be proceeding with Schedule 10 of Bill 66. As I wrote here, Schedule 10 proposed to give municipal governments expanded authority under their Planning Act, section 34,…
View the post titled Proposed new “Open-for-business” by-law authority scrappedFined for Illegal Importation of Bear Hide from Alaska
This article was written with the assistance of student at law Julia Ferreira. On January 18, 2019, Fredrick Thomson, a taxidermist from Coaldale, Alberta, was sentenced following his conviction for illegally importing a brown bear hide from Alaska. Section 6(1) of the Wild Animal and Plant …
View the post titled Fined for Illegal Importation of Bear Hide from Alaska10 Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act
On January 18, 2019, the Ontario government gave notice on the Environmental Registry that that they were conducting a ten [10] year review of the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 2007 (the “Act”) (which came into effect on June 30, 2008). A Discussion Paper produced by the Ministry of the Env…
View the post titled 10 Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species ActOntario Environmental Review Tribunal Upholds Another Wind Turbine Approval
On January 4th, 2019, the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal (“Tribunal” or “ERT”) issued another decision in the long list of dismissed appeals of wind turbine approvals (“Renewable Energy Approvals” or “REAs”). The crux of the 143 page decision in Concerned Citizens of North Stormont v.…
View the post titled Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal Upholds Another Wind Turbine ApprovalSidewalks: Do you have to shovel them?
Most homeowners are aware that they do not own the sidewalk that surrounds their property – the municipality does. But as winter sets in and snow starts to fall, what does this mean for you? Generally speaking, homeowners are not legally responsible for the maintenance of sidewalks surroundi…
View the post titled Sidewalks: Do you have to shovel them?Why Failing to Immediately Disclose a Litigation Agreement in Multi-Party Litigation is Dangerous and Costly
Summary Litigation agreements in multi-party litigation are required to be immediately disclosed to the other parties in the litigation (“Other Parties”). A litigation agreement is broadly defined as an agreement that has the effect of changing the adversarial position of the parties set out…
View the post titled Why Failing to Immediately Disclose a Litigation Agreement in Multi-Party Litigation is Dangerous and CostlyCanada's Largest Environmental Penalty
On November 5, 2018 Irving Pulp & Paper (“Irving”) was ordered to pay a penalty in the amount of $3.5 million for three offences under the Federal Fisheries Act. The fine of $3.5 million represents one of the largest fines issued by the federal government relating to an environmental o…
View the post titled Canada's Largest Environmental PenaltyEmployers: Post and Distribute the Updated ESA Poster
Under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”), employers must post a copy of the most recent employment standards poster (“ESA Poster”) prepared by the Ministry of Labour in a “conspicuous place” in the workplace. The Ministry of Labour has just released a new version of the ESA Poster, w…
View the post titled Employers: Post and Distribute the Updated ESA PosterIntervenors Permitted for Carbon Pollution Pricing Case
Today the Court of Appeal granted intervenor status to both individuals and organizations in the Ontario Reference case scheduled to be heard for April 15 – 18. The Province of Ontario has filed a reference case challenging the federal carbon pollution plan after cancelling Ontario’s emissio…
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