Video Testimonial – Post-Surgery Recovery
Our client’s surgeon expected our client to return to work within a few weeks of surgery. However, it soon became clear that our client did not feel physically nor emotionally capable of returning to her regular activities as quickly as expected. Personal injury lawyer, Rasha El-Tawil,…
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Congratulations to Siskinds’ team of class action lawyers for their recognition as a top-tier plaintiff class action team nationwide by Chambers and Partners. Congratulations also to lawyers Charles Wright, Michael Robb and Linda Visser who were individually recognized. We are proud of the o…
View the post titled Class Actions Team Ranked Top-Tier NationwideCourt of Appeal Finds in Favour of Plaintiff in Securities Class Action
A recent decision by the Ontario Court of Appeal has provided clarity on how courts should approach secondary market misrepresentation cases at the preliminary leave stage. In Rahimi v SouthGobi,[1] the Plaintiff Paiman Rahimi (represented by Siskinds) appealed a lower court decision that ha…
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After being rear-ended, our client tended to her daughter’s injuries before becoming concerned about her own. She soon realized that the back and neck pain she suffered had changed her life in more ways than she could have imagined. Emily Foreman and her team worked alongside our clien…
View the post titled Video Testimonial – Motor Vehicle AccidentThe Environmental Law Team Welcomes Dr. Jane Sadler Richards
Siskinds is proud and pleased to announce that Dr. Jane Sadler Richards is now a member of the Siskinds Environmental Group. Jane is a scientist, an agrologist, and a paralegal. Her work focuses on regulatory issues related to environment and land, and agriculture and food production. At Sis…
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An icy patch on a walkway was reported to the condo core, but the walkway was not properly maintained. As a result of this oversight, our client suffered a slip and fall and sustained injuries that required legal support. Anna Szczurko and her team worked closely with our client to provide t…
View the post titled Video Testimonial – Slip & FallKitchener Company Pleads Guilty to Contravening Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations
On September 7, 2017 a Kitchener company pled guilty and was fined $265,000 for two counts of contravening the Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations, 1998 under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. The fine will be directed to the Environmental Damages Fund and used for environm…
View the post titled Kitchener Company Pleads Guilty to Contravening Ozone-Depleting Substances RegulationsVideo Testimonial – Motorcycle Accident
Following a motorcycle accident that was caused due to a provincial road in need of repair, our client knew immediately that she needed legal support. After a long and complex journey with Jim Virtue and his team, this client received the outcome that was long awaited. She tells her story in…
View the post titled Video Testimonial – Motorcycle AccidentMicroplastics and Tap Water – Where Does it Stop?
A recent study has highlighted again concerns over the near-ubiquitous presence of microplastics in our water. Awareness has been growing about microplastics and their impacts upon the marine environment and, potentially, human health. Previously, the bulk of the research done on the topic h…
View the post titled Microplastics and Tap Water – Where Does it Stop?Court Grants Leave to Appeal on Umbrella Purchaser Issue
Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology v Hitachi, Ltd., 2017 ONSC 2791 In Fanshawe v Hitachi, the plaintiff alleges that the defendants engaged in a conspiracy to fix the prices for CRT (an older technology used in televisions and computer monitors). The plaintiff alleges breach of …
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