Raibex decision alters franchise landscape on presale disclosure
The disclosure obligations for franchisors expanded with a recent Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruling, and will change the way deals are struck in the province, says franchise lawyer Peter Dillon. In Raibex Canada Ltd. v. ASWR Franchising Corp., 2016 ONSC 5575 (CanLII), the judge found …
View the post titled Raibex decision alters franchise landscape on presale disclosureHow Long Do I Have to Make a Personal Injury Claim?
If you have been injured in an accident and wish to pursue a personal injury claim, you should be aware of the following time limits. Failure to take the necessary steps within these time limits could extinguish your legal rights. It is always recommended that you speak with a personal injur…
View the post titled How Long Do I Have to Make a Personal Injury Claim?Federal EA Panel Releases its Recommendations for Reform
Earlier this month, after several months of consultations, the expert panel that was established to review Canada’s federal environmental assessment processes (the “Panel”) released its findings in a report entitled Building Common Ground: A New Vision for Impact Assessment in Canada. The Pa…
View the post titled Federal EA Panel Releases its Recommendations for ReformCongratulations, Paula Boutis!
Siskinds warmly congratulates Paula Boutis from our Environmental Group on her appointment to the Ontario Municipal Board (“OMB”), effective May 1, 2017. With her appointment as a full-time member to the Ontario Municipal Board, Paula Boutis will be leaving private practice after nearly 17 y…
View the post titled Congratulations, Paula Boutis!Case Commentary: Bernstein v Peoples Trust Company, 2017 ONSC 752
A recent decision certifying a class action for prepaid payment cards demonstrates the potential of Ontario’s Consumer Protection Act and the limits of creative technical arguments at the threshold certification stage. Case Background Bernstein v Peoples Trust Company is a class action regar…
View the post titled Case Commentary: Bernstein v Peoples Trust Company, 2017 ONSC 752Can a landlord be sued for historical contamination potentially caused by its tenant?
A recent decision on a summary judgement motion underscores the difficulty inherent in suing a landlord for contamination caused by its tenant. In Sorban Investments Ltd v Litwack, 2017 ONSC 706, several Defendants successfully brought a motion for summary judgement dismissing the plaintiff’…
View the post titled Can a landlord be sued for historical contamination potentially caused by its tenant?Des Moines Water Works sues County for Agricultural Runoff
The Storm Lake Times, a small family-run Iowa newspaper, won a 2017 Pulitzer Price award for its coverage of issues associated with farm pollution from local agricultural companies and the failure of the County to control the agricultural runoff in the area. The Storm Lake Times covered how …
View the post titled Des Moines Water Works sues County for Agricultural RunoffSnapping Turtle Hunt Banned in Ontario
The Ontario government has announced amendments to the Hunting Regulation (O Reg 665/98, made under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997) that will, among other changes, prohibit the hunting of snapping turtles in the province. In its original posting to the Environmental Registry (t…
View the post titled Snapping Turtle Hunt Banned in OntarioOntario’s First Cap and Trade Program Auction
On April 3, 2017 Ontario announced the results of its first auction of greenhouse gas emissions allowances (GHG Auction) that was held March 22, 2017. The cap and trade program has a market cycle consisting of compliance periods. In each compliance period there are emission allowance distrib…
View the post titled Ontario’s First Cap and Trade Program AuctionWill Canada meet its greenhouse gas emissions target?
Environment Canada has recently announced that its current projections indicate that by 2030, Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions will exceed the established federal target by at least 30 per cent. Canada’s target is to cut emissions by 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. This target…
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