Resignation: Can You Take it Lying Down?
Say you’re an employer facing the prospect of being overstaffed. Some managers have recently left your employ but their support staff remain. You meet with one of your employees to discuss some upcoming changes to their job description in light of this impending over staffing. They are upset…
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On December 8, 2016 an individual was convicted for transporting asbestos waste, storing asbestos, and failing to comply with the conditions of a Ministry order contrary to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act (“EPA”). The individual operated a business providing asbestos remov…
View the post titled Fines for Failing to Properly Dispose of Asbestos WasteCourt of Appeal Hears Jurisdiction Motion in Airia Brands
In December 2016, the Ontario Court of Appeal heard an appeal in Airia Brands v Air Canada. The result of this appeal will have significant impact on the viability of global class actions commenced in Ontario and on the application of the real and substantial connection test in the context o…
View the post titled Court of Appeal Hears Jurisdiction Motion in Airia BrandsWhere Can I Bring My Family Law Application?
Before you issue an Application for relief in family law, you first need to determine the appropriate municipality in which to bring your Application. This article deals with choosing the appropriate municipality within Ontario. For a determination of whether or not Ontario should assume jur…
View the post titled Where Can I Bring My Family Law Application?$2.1B Settlement in Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Class Action Announced
On December 19, 2016, a settlement agreement was announced in the class action involving Volkswagen and consumer claims related to the 2.0L diesel emissions software matter. The matter affected approximately 105,000 vehicles across Canada and generated a high level of interest when the issue…
View the post titled $2.1B Settlement in Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Class Action AnnouncedWhat Is A Custody And Access Assessment?
In a custody and access dispute, the judge is given the important task of deciding what is in the best interests of a child, including who should have decision-making authority and how much time the child should spend in the care of each parent. A judge, however, is limited by the evidence p…
View the post titled What Is A Custody And Access Assessment?NEB Energy East Hearings May be Back on Track
Natural Resources Minister Carr has appointed three new panel members to the National Energy Board after three of its former members recused themselves from the Energy East TransCanada project hearings. The Acting Chair of the NEB must now assign duties for the three members, which likely wi…
View the post titled NEB Energy East Hearings May be Back on TrackExaminations Under Oath under the SABS: When Must I Attend?
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently released a decision[1] which held that accident benefits insurers must provide reasons when requesting an examination under oath, pursuant to s. 33(2) of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (“SABS”). During an examination under oath, an ins…
View the post titled Examinations Under Oath under the SABS: When Must I Attend?Ontario’s New Drug-Impaired Driving Laws
In an effort to put an end to drugged driving, as of October 2, 2016, drug-impaired drivers face penalties matching those in place for drunk drivers. Motorists stopped by police while under the influence of drugs now face a minimum $180 penalty and immediate license suspension. In additional…
View the post titled Ontario’s New Drug-Impaired Driving LawsTop Ontario Accident Benefit Cases of 2016
Anna Szczurko spoke recently at the Middlesex Law Association Personal Injury Conference. She spoke about the top accident benefit cases of 2016. You can read the paper here.
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