Despite Legal Challenge, Tidal Power A Reality In Nova Scotia … For Now
North America’s first tidal turbine was recently connected to the power grid in Nova Scotia. The turbine being tested as part of a proposed project that would eventually see turbines installed in the Bay of Fundy now provides tidal-powered energy to 500 homes in the province. As part of the …
View the post titled Despite Legal Challenge, Tidal Power A Reality In Nova Scotia … For NowMicrobead Ban Coming By January 1, 2018
On November 5, 2016, the federal government published a proposed regulation in the Canada Gazette, entitled Microbeads in Toiletries Regulations, to ban the manufacture or import of most toiletries that contain microbeads on or after January 1, 2018. The prohibition applies to products that …
View the post titled Microbead Ban Coming By January 1, 2018Giraffes On Path Towards Extinction
The situation for many of the world’s species, including megafauna such as elephants, rhinos, and tigers, appears increasingly bleak. The alarming decline of many of these iconic species has been well documented. The plight of the planet’s elephant populations, particularly in sub-Saharan Af…
View the post titled Giraffes On Path Towards ExtinctionIncorporation in Canada
As most small businesses grow they are faced with a difficult decision of whether or not they should incorporate. The answer to this question depends on a number of factors including but not limited to the size of the business, projected future growth and potential liability/legal risks. Adv…
View the post titled Incorporation in CanadaAccident Benefits and Insurance for ATVs and Snowmobiles
ATVs and snowmobiles can be a source of endless entertainment. However, if you do not take the appropriate steps as the owner and/or operator to protect yourself, they can also be a source of liability or lead to a personal injury that leaves you with no means to pay for your recovery. This …
View the post titled Accident Benefits and Insurance for ATVs and SnowmobilesFranchising An Increasingly High-Risk Venture For Franchisors
(Note: This article originally appeared on Canada is frequently hyped as an idyllic place to launch a franchise business, but that’s not the case for many franchisors who face tougher obstacles than their counterparts in other countries, says London franchise lawyer Peter …
View the post titled Franchising An Increasingly High-Risk Venture For FranchisorsToronto Star Publishes Revealing Story about Diamond & Diamond
On Saturday, December 3, The Toronto Star published an informative article about personal injury referral service and firm, Diamond & Diamond. Click here for full coverage.
View the post titled Toronto Star Publishes Revealing Story about Diamond & DiamondSole Proprietorships
Sole proprietorships and partnerships are often times the simplest and most cost-effective entities in which to operate a new business. Furthermore, there are some attractive tax benefits that may be available by choosing one of these business organizations. Several factors need to be consid…
View the post titled Sole ProprietorshipsHonesty is the Best Policy: Deceitful Employers Jailed for Occupational Health and Safety Act Violations
As it turns out, the Ontario Court of Justice is as friendly to liars as the Ministry of Labour is to employers who don’t comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”). That is, not friendly at all. While most employers are mindful of the hefty fines they can receive for OHSA v…
View the post titled Honesty is the Best Policy: Deceitful Employers Jailed for Occupational Health and Safety Act ViolationsThree-Year Phase Out Proposed For Neonicotinoid Pesticide
In an interesting twist, Health Canada just announced its intention to manage the agricultural uses of the pesticide imidacloprid to protect aquatic insects; this pesticide, like other neonicotinoid pesticides, has been under fire for some time for its effects on pollinators, for which we ha…
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