Provincial renewable energy goals trump municipal by-laws
Since the Green Energy and Economy Act, 2009 came into force on May 14, 2009, the debate continues about whether municipalities can regulate renewable energy projects. At least three court decisions have now been made which indicate that other possible avenues of municipal regulation of rene…
View the post titled Provincial renewable energy goals trump municipal by-lawsDo environmental permits have value for the purposes of property tax assessment?
A recent decision of the Assessment Review Board (“ARB”) (Waste Management of Canada Corporation v MPAC, ID 138737 (ARB)) has concluded that the market value of the rights associated with an Environmental Compliance Approval (“ECA”) should be reflected in the current value of a landfill for …
View the post titled Do environmental permits have value for the purposes of property tax assessment?The Safety Dance: Right to Refuse Work Under Health and Safety Legislation
The Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”) provides workers with a number of rights, including the right to refuse work that is “likely to endanger” the worker.[1] When a work refusal occurs there are a number of procedures outlined in the legislation that must be followed and, …
View the post titled The Safety Dance: Right to Refuse Work Under Health and Safety LegislationSlips, Trips and Falls: Understanding Occupiers’ Liability
What is Occupiers’ Liability? In Ontario, the Occupiers’ Liability Act governs all claims relating to occupiers’ liability. Anyone who is in physical possession of a property, or has responsibility for and control over a property (the “occupier”) owes a duty of care to take reasonable precau…
View the post titled Slips, Trips and Falls: Understanding Occupiers’ LiabilityPoint-of-sale notice programme coming for Toronto dry cleaners?
The Board of Health of the City of Toronto has recently moved on recommendations from Toronto Public Health to look into ways to increase regulation of dry cleaning operations in the city. The increased restrictions were in response to lobbying efforts from a number of environmental organiza…
View the post titled Point-of-sale notice programme coming for Toronto dry cleaners?Court grants defendant injunction and inspection order to investigate plaintiff’s property
In 2014, Metrus Properties sued Wrigley Canada claiming Wrigley’s neighbouring property had contaminated its property. When Wrigley asked to access the Metrus property to conduct environmental tests, Metrus refused. In April of 2016, the Superior Court of Justice granted an injunction to tem…
View the post titled Court grants defendant injunction and inspection order to investigate plaintiff’s property“MEAN GIRLS”: Bill 132 and the OHSA
It has been six years since Bill 168 amended Ontario’s Occupational Health & Safety Act to require employers to take steps to prevent and to deal with bullying and harassment in the workplace. Since that time, we have come to realize that there were gaps – some would say flaws – in the …
View the post titled “MEAN GIRLS”: Bill 132 and the OHSAValidity of the Renewable Fuels Regulations under CEPA upheld
The Federal Court of Appeal has recently rendered a decision in another judicial review involving the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). Syncrude, which produces diesel fuel at its tar sands operations, commenced an application challenging the validity of federal regulations made …
View the post titled Validity of the Renewable Fuels Regulations under CEPA upheldChill Out (Things Gonna Change)
In February 2015, the provincial government appointed two Special Advisors to lead and coordinate public consultations on how the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the “ESA”) and the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (the “LRA”) could be amended to better protect workers in the changing economy. The …
View the post titled Chill Out (Things Gonna Change)Energy and Water 2016 Symposium and Industry Summit
Environmental Law Practice Group Leader, Paula Lombardi will be speaking at the upcoming Energy and Water 2016 Symposium and Industry Summit. Energy and Water 2016 Symposium and Industry Summit Sustainable energy and water use will be the focus of an annual symposium and industry summit host…
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