Green Energy Act finishes clause by clause review
The Legislative Committee on General Government finished its clause by clause review of Bill 150 today. To no one’s surprise, all 52 pages of the government amendments were adopted. The Bill now goes back to the floor of the Legislature for third reading, as amended. Draft regulations…
View the post titled Green Energy Act finishes clause by clause reviewText of GEA amendments
Here are 52 pages of the Government’s Amendments to Bill 150, the Green Energy and Green Economy Act. Opposition amendments were proposed but not passed. In addition to amendments highlighted in the minister’s announcement (see April 25 blog), significant amendments include: e…
View the post titled Text of GEA amendmentsInteresting statistics on brownfields
According to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, a significant number of Records of Site Condition has been posted to the Brownfields Environmental Site Registry since October 1 2004, when regulation 513/04 came into effect. As of early this month, a total of 1747 RSCs had been filed.…
View the post titled Interesting statistics on brownfieldsFederal court orders mining disclosure
Two environmental groups have won a great victory over Environment Canada and the mining industry, which must immediately begin collecting and reporting information on pollutants in mine tailings and waste rock.
View the post titled Federal court orders mining disclosureRed tape, approvals and the Ontario economy
One of the key promises of the Green Energy Act is a “one window” approval process for renewable energy projects, coupled with a six month “service guarantee”, to cut through the current dozens of approvals for a power generation project. How will the Ministry of Envi…
View the post titled Red tape, approvals and the Ontario economyOBA comments reflected in Green Energy Act amendments
Minister Smitherman has announced amendments to Bill 150, the Green Energy Act, which respond to the recommendations of the Ontario Bar Association.
View the post titled OBA comments reflected in Green Energy Act amendmentsSome good news for a change
Terrible environmental news comes to my inbox every day. In honour of the week of Earth Day, let’s have a little good news instead. On the future of our desperately imperilled oceans: 1. In 2010, more than 800 of the world’s single-hulled oil tankers will finally be scrapped, …
View the post titled Some good news for a changeSolicitor client privilege and the Green Energy Act
As hearings wind up on Bill 150 and the Green Energy Act, the Law Society of Upper Canada has made a presentation, bill150-presentation-lsuc on the proposed inspection and enforcement powers. The quaintly named regulator of Ontario lawyers has a standing objection to any search and seizure p…
View the post titled Solicitor client privilege and the Green Energy ActOBA recommendations on Green Energy Act
OBA's most important recommendation for amending the Green Energy Act: Provide how land-use and common law conflicts with approved renewable energy projects should be resolved; don’t leave this to the courts. Why encourage proponents to build a renewable energy project that the courts mig…
View the post titled OBA recommendations on Green Energy ActSpring Roundup of citizen scientists
One way to make the impact of climate change more real is to participate in gathering scientific data about it. Everyone (including children) can participate in NatureWatch, a series of volunteer monitoring programs sponsored by the Environment Canada, Nature Canada, the Trillium Foundation,…
View the post titled Spring Roundup of citizen scientistsReceive Blog Posts
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