Enforceability of Termination Clauses in Employment Contracts – Trending towards Clarity, or More Uncertainty?
It is a basic principle of employment law in Ontario that employees terminated without cause are presumed to be entitled to common law reasonable notice of termination unless the parties clearly agreed to a different notice period, typically through a termination clause in an employment agre…
View the post titled Enforceability of Termination Clauses in Employment Contracts – Trending towards Clarity, or More Uncertainty?Ontario Court of Appeal Holds that Deterrence Justifies Minimum Fine in Environmental Prosecution
The Environmental Protection Act and the Ontario Water Resource Act are unique among Ontario’s environmental legislation for containing mandatory minimum fines.[1] A new decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal makes it clear that where minimum fines exist, a trial justice has very narrow d…
View the post titled Ontario Court of Appeal Holds that Deterrence Justifies Minimum Fine in Environmental ProsecutionBill 66 – Expanded Municipal Zoning Power Would Make Some Environmental Land Use Policies Optional
UPDATE: Government announces that it will not be proceeding with Schedule 10 of the Bill. See update here. On December 6th, 2018, Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018, passed first reading in the Ontario legislature. The government’s Proposal Summary on the Environmental Re…
View the post titled Bill 66 – Expanded Municipal Zoning Power Would Make Some Environmental Land Use Policies OptionalRemedies of a Commercial Landlord in Ontario
If a tenant defaults on their obligations under a commercial lease, a landlord may wish to pursue a remedy. There are two types of tenant defaults – monetary or non-monetary. The type of default will determine the landlord’s available remedies. A monetary default occurs when the tenant…
View the post titled Remedies of a Commercial Landlord in OntarioMortgagee Remedies in Ontario
When a mortgagor (borrower) defaults on mortgage payments, the mortgagee (lender) has several remedies at its disposal. The most frequently used remedies are a power of sale, an action for judicial sale, and an action for foreclosure. The following is a comparison of the three remedies, high…
View the post titled Mortgagee Remedies in OntarioThe 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) Convenes in Katowice, Poland
On December 2, 2018, delegates from almost 200 nations convened in Katowice, Poland for the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The COP24, also known as the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Katowice, Poland, 2…
View the post titled The 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) Convenes in Katowice, PolandDo I Have to Collect HST if I am Just Selling my Vacant Land?
Determining whether or not you have to pay Harmonized Sales Tax (“HST”) during a real estate transaction can be a tricky situation. There can be rebates, exceptions and a whole host of factors which come into play. The sale of a vacant lot carries with it its own problems. When D…
View the post titled Do I Have to Collect HST if I am Just Selling my Vacant Land?Lenders Beware: Not All Charge Terms Are The Same
When a lender, be they a large bank or a private individual, lends money to someone they will, in most cases, require security for that loan. One well-known type of security is the mortgage. A mortgage, otherwise known as a charge, is a lien or encumbrance on the property, giving the lender …
View the post titled Lenders Beware: Not All Charge Terms Are The SameCannabis License Act: Franchising Implications
Store Ownership and Licensed Producers Corporate store ownership will not be an option for licensed producers who wish to establish a significant presence in the cannabis retail market. Section 4(4) of the Cannabis License Act prohibits licensed producers and their affiliates from operating …
View the post titled Cannabis License Act: Franchising ImplicationsFederal Court Scheduled to Hear Application for Judicial Review in David Suzuki Foundation et al v. Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health et al.
This week, the Federal Court of Canada is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case of David Suzuki Foundation et al v. Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health et al, T-1071-16 (“Suzuki Foundation”). Suzuki Foundation is an application for judicial review brought by the David Suzuk…
View the post titled Federal Court Scheduled to Hear Application for Judicial Review in David Suzuki Foundation et al v. Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health et al.Receive Blog Posts
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