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Published on: 14 Mar 2017 By

Another Migratory Bird Convention Act Conviction for Harm to Bank Swallows

On February 9, 2017, a construction company pled guilty to offences under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (“MBCA”) for the destruction of Bank Swallow eggs, nests and nest shelters. This resulted in fines of $7,500 to be directed to the Environmental Damages Fund. Enforcement office…

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Published on: 3 Mar 2017 By

Significant Fisheries Act fine issued to owner of Quebec refinery

Valero Energy Inc., the owner of the Lévis, Quebec-based Jean-Gaulin Refinery, has received a $500,000 fine for violating the Fisheries Act. Reportedly, in 2008, the company accidentally released some 200,000 litres of heavy fuel oil into a stream that flows into the Saint-Lawrence River. En…

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Published on: 28 Feb 2017 By

Potential Changes to Employment Legislation May Mean Increased Liability for Franchisors

The Ontario Changing Workplaces Review’s final report is expected to be delivered in the next few weeks and, if some of the ideas contained in its interim report become law, franchisors may find themselves liable as employers of their franchisees’ employees, regardless of the franchisor’s ac…

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Published on: 24 Feb 2017 By

Former Employee Successfully Sued for Defamation for Facebook Posts

In recent years, careless, or let’s say, less than sensible comments on social media have gotten countless employees in trouble with their boss. Employees who have used Facebook as a forum for posting threatening language and vile insults about a supervisor or offensive accusations about the…

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Published on: 23 Feb 2017 By

The Canadian Government is Considering Coal Mining Effluent Regulations

The federal government is contemplating the introduction of new limits on effluent discharges from coal mines. The new regulations are proposed to be introduced under the Fisheries Act and would limit the levels of suspended solids, nitrates, and selenium that can be discharged and would req…

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