Drought: Water restrictions reach oilsands
Unprecedented water use restrictions, due to widespread and extreme drought, are in force in western parts of the US and Canada.California is in its worst drought on record. Widespread water shortages have prompted state governor Jerry Brown to proclaim a State of Emergency and issue an exec…
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In case you missed it a few weeks back, the federal government made an unexpected announcement just days before the federal election campaign was announced: it intends to ban the use of microbead products in personal care products. So how will it work? The government proposes publishing an O…
View the post titled Banning the MicrobeadBoundary trees: sometimes good fences don’t make good neighbours
The issue of boundary trees—trees that straddle property lines—appears to be a growing, and increasingly confusing, legal concern for Toronto neighbours. Earlier this year, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice was again asked to untangle a boundary tree-related dispute between two Toronto n…
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In a passionate announcement on Monday, President Barack Obama unveiled the United States’ plan for doing its part to combat climate change: the Clean Power Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan sets out to reduce greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions from power stations, which comprise the single largest …
View the post titled Obama’s Clean Power Plan: “There is such a thing as being too late”Records of Site Condition – common problems
Records of Site Condition are the regulatory documents used in Ontario to confirm whether a potentially or actually contaminated site meets acceptable standards for a particular land-use, under the Environmental Protection Act and O.Reg. 153/04. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change…
View the post titled Records of Site Condition – common problemsBetter tank standards for diesel, heating fuel and kerosene
The Ontario Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is proposing to update the safety requirements governing the storage, handling, and utilization of fuel oil, diesel and kerosene. Leaks and spills of petroleum products continue to be major sources of environmental contamination. Th…
View the post titled Better tank standards for diesel, heating fuel and keroseneA Short History of Wind Litigation in Ontario
Dianne Saxe delivered a presentation to the American Bar Association on July 22, providing a comprehensive overview of wind litigation in Ontario since the Green Energy Act came into effect. She traced a number of trends in the types of wind cases that are being brought before the Environmen…
View the post titled A Short History of Wind Litigation in OntarioDoes “I Quit” Really Mean “I Quit”?
Case law has not always been clear on what constitutes a resignation by an employee. More often than not, it seems very difficult for an employer to establish a resignation where the employee changes his/her mind down the road. However, in Kerr v. Valley Volkswagen, 2014 NSSC 27 (CanLII), th…
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In May of this year, the Federal Court released a decision that affirms the importance of the precautionary principle in the management of fisheries. The decision (Morton v Canada (Fisheries and Oceans), 2015 FC 575) comes as a result of a challenge, launched by lawyers at Ecojustice on beha…
View the post titled Recent Decision Affirms Precautionary PrincipleAbsenteeism: When Is It Enough to Warrant Termination?
This issue was addressed in the recent arbitral decision of Humber River Hospital v. Teamsters, 2014 CanLII 50008 (ON LA), where the grievor was employed in the Dietary Department of the hospital and had been for fifteen years. The grievor had a persistent pattern of frequent and unexpected …
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