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Published on: 26 Jun 2015 By

New study of franchise territories – it’s not law, but still interesting

By Peter Dilon for AdvocateDaily.com A recent study conducted by Franchisegrade.com of the scope and extent of territorial protection granted by U.S. franchisors is of interest to anyone practicing in this area, whether for franchisors or franchisees. The study used as its source 654 franchi…

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Published on: 9 Jun 2015 By

Food labelling coming to a (franchised) restaurant near you

Here is a recent legislative development of interest that will impact the franchise community, at least in Ontario: the Making Healthier Choices Act, 2015, which received Royal assent on May 28, 2015. Note that the act comes into force on Jan. 1, 2017. The act requires that “owners and opera…

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Published on: 2 Jun 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario industries can finally burn waste not coal

Ontario’s energy intensive industries have finally been permitted to burn many kinds of waste, in place of coal. Cement companies, among others, are now looking for sufficient quantities of eligible biomass they can dry and burn to fuel their kilns. With cap and trade on the way, this …

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Published on: 29 May 2015 By

Limitation periods – Often overlooked, yet potentially fatal to your legal rights

It is inevitable that at some point a business will experience a harmful event that causes it to suffer a financial loss. Examples include a third party breaking a contract or a warehouse fire due to faulty electrical wiring. Therefore, businesses need to be aware of the time limits that res…

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Published on: 27 May 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Fisheries Act private prosecution goes ahead

As we wrote earlier, in December 2014 Marilyn Burgoon received approval to bring a private prosecution against Executive Flight Centre Fuel Services and the Province of British Columbia for violations of the Fisheries Act related to a large fuel spill into a sensitive creek. The province too…

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