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Published on: 30 Nov 2021 By

Associate agreements in a medical, dental, or other professional practice

Many new graduates will decide to enter a medical, dental, or other professional practice by joining an existing practice as an associate.  An associate agreement is an agreement that governs the business relationship between the professional or the corporation that owns the practice (for th…

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Published on: 24 Nov 2021 By

Keep your ‘Secret Sauce’ secret: protecting confidential information in commercial relationships and transactions

When businesses negotiate potential transactions or contracts, or discuss opportunities to collaborate on a project or venture, it is likely that one or more of the parties will be sharing information that is non-public and confidential in nature.1 Maybe your business doesn’t have a ‘secret …

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Published on: 16 Nov 2021 By

Personal vs. commercial goodwill – Which one’s worth more?

What exactly is Goodwill? Goodwill is an intangible asset of a business. Although there are many varieties of goodwill, some of the more common examples include a high traffic or exclusive location, a strong reputation, brand name recognition, and great customer relationships. And what’s the…

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Published on: 26 Oct 2021 By ,

Privacy laws in Canada: to infinite fees and beyond

If you’re a business that hasn’t dotted the i’s in privacy compliance, then you may have your own Buzz Lightyear—“this is an intergalactic emergency”—moment. Both the Feds and Ontario have proposed new privacy legislation: the Feds introduced the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (“CPPA”) and …

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Published on: 19 Oct 2021 By

Two corporate modernization developments taking effect today in Ontario

On October 19, 2021, Ontario is taking two significant steps toward the modernization of Ontario corporate law and services, one statutory and one procedural. These developments are of particular importance to not-for-profit corporations who have patiently awaited the arrival of a new statut…

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Published on: 20 Jul 2021 By

Online presence for physicians: Appropriate use of social media

Our interactions and presence on social media have continued to increase, especially during the pandemic when the need and desire to stay connected with one another has been heightened. Many professionals, including physicians, use social media in their practice as an effective tool to commu…

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Published on: 23 Jun 2021 By

Upcoming, practical changes to Ontario’s Business Corporations Act

Bill 213, the Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 received Royal Assent in December of 2020.  As a result, some significant amendments to Ontario’s Business Corporations Act (“OBCA”) will come into force on July 5th, 2021: 1. Elimination of Director’s Canadian Residency Require…

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Published on: 3 May 2021 By ,

U.S. Supreme Court limits the FTC’s power under § 13(b)

Canadian lawyers are often caught rubbernecking as blockbuster legal battles are duked out in the Supreme Court. Sometimes we watch on with admiration. Other times, we scratch our head. But this time, we stared in awe, as the wreckage of the FTC was hauled away by a resounding 9-0 defeat. Ju…

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Published on: 5 Apr 2021 By ,

Driving into the future: Privacy and insurance implications of self-driving cars

Back in the early 90s, shows like Transformers and Knight Rider shaped and invigorated the imagination of young kids by integrating well known cars with computerized, autonomous, and intelligent personalities. The cars drove themselves; both literally and in personality. Today this story, wh…

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