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Published on: 17 Feb 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Another anti-wind appeal dismissed by Tribunal

The Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal has dismissed yet another anti-wind appeal, in 14-059 GILLESPIE V. MOE. This upholds the renewable energy approval issued to the Goshen Wind Energy Centre, up to 63 wind turbines, with a generation capacity of 102 megawatts, located in Bluewater and …

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Published on: 23 Jan 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Supreme Court hears Chevron Ecuador pollution appeal

Can foreign pollution judgments be enforced in Canada? The Supreme Court of Canada has heard arguments on the attempt by Ecuador pollution plaintiffs to enforce their $9 plus billion Ecuador judgment against Chevron’s Canadian assets, in Chevron Corporation, et al. v. Daniel Carlos Lus…

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