Experts permitted to testify via telephone… sometimes
The Environmental Review Tribunal has granted a request to have expert witnesses testify via telephone conference call when the appellants argued that it would be too costly to have them attend in person, and that videoconferencing was also costly, as well as prone to technological failure. …
View the post titled Experts permitted to testify via telephone… sometimesBe careful how you treat employees after advising that a fixed term contract will not be renewed
A recent Alberta decision may make employers reconsider how they give notice that a fixed term employment contract will not be renewed. Geoffrey Thompson was hired as the Regional President, Calgary of Cardel Homes Limited Partnership pursuant to a fixed term contract of 2 years from Septemb…
View the post titled Be careful how you treat employees after advising that a fixed term contract will not be renewedCurrent environmental liability issues for municipalities
On June 17, Dianne Saxe and Graham Rempe of the City Toronto’s Legal Services spoke on the issue of current environmental liabilities for municipalities. Graham gracious agreed to allow us to post the paper we prepared here. As the introduction explains: Few topics evoke more concern a…
View the post titled Current environmental liability issues for municipalitiesNew Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Premier Wynne announced on June 24, 2014 that Glenn Murray will be the new Minister of the Environment and Climate change. According to the announcement, this is “an expanded portfolio that will ensure Ontario can protect the gains it has made in fighting climate change, lead Ontario…
View the post titled New Minister of Environment and Climate ChangeFederal govt proposes new air pollution regulations
The federal government has proposed a major set of new air pollution regulations to reduce industrial-source air pollution, starting with performance standards for the cement sector and two equipment types: gaseous-fuel-fired non-utility boilers/ heaters and stationary spark-ignition gaseous…
View the post titled Federal govt proposes new air pollution regulationsRoles and Responsibilities of Directors of Corporations
We are often asked by individuals starting a business what is the role of the director(s). The following is a general overview of the duties, responsibilities and potential liabilities of acting as a director of a corporation. Directors of corporations are responsible for making decisions re…
View the post titled Roles and Responsibilities of Directors of CorporationsNew OHSA Regulations Coming into Force on July 1, 2014
On July 1, 2014, the Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training Regulation will come into effect, requiring that all Ontario employers ensure their employees complete mandatory safety awareness training. Paula Lombardi, Amanda Shaw and Anna Stoll discuss what this means for employ…
View the post titled New OHSA Regulations Coming into Force on July 1, 2014Obama to slash emissions from power plants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its long awaited proposed greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards to slash carbon emissions from existing power plants, the largest industrial source of GHG emissions in the US. The rule, if upheld by the Supreme Court, will require…
View the post titled Obama to slash emissions from power plantsParking lot dust an unreasonable nuisance
Dust generated by trucks driving on an unpaved parking lot can be a nuisance to industrial neighbours, according to the Ontario Court of Appeal. In TMS Lighting Ltd. v. KJS Transport Inc., 2014 CarswellOnt 2, the court ruled that the dust unreasonably interfered with a neighbouring business’…
View the post titled Parking lot dust an unreasonable nuisanceAnother anti-wind power appeal dismissed
Ontario’s Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) has dismissed another anti-wind power appeal: May 14, 2014, Pitt v. MOE ERT Registry Number: 13-121. The Wainfleet Wind Energy Project can now proceed, despite objections from a skydiving club. The ERT ruled that the club had not shown that…
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