First affidavits, Blue Box funding arbitration
For those interested in the Blue Box funding arbitration, which will decide how much stewards (brand owners) must pay of the annual net $228 million cost under the Waste Diversion Act, here are the affidavits of the witnesses who have already completed their testimony on behalf of the munici…
View the post titled First affidavits, Blue Box funding arbitrationSeek Legal Advice Immediately Upon Receipt of a Request from the MOE
Landowners will often comply voluntarily with requests from the Ministry of the Environment (“MOE”), but cooperating may not always be in their best interest. Seeking early legal advice is important to determine what course of action, upon receiving notification, correspondence or an adminis…
View the post titled Seek Legal Advice Immediately Upon Receipt of a Request from the MOEVermont adopts first US GMO food labelling law
Food produced from genetic engineering should be labeled as such
View the post titled Vermont adopts first US GMO food labelling lawSecond shoe falls: flyrock discharge after Castonguay
If every rock that flies through the air, and does damage, is a "pollution" offence, what else is?
View the post titled Second shoe falls: flyrock discharge after CastonguayAnti-fracking bylaws: US Lawyer wins green Nobel prize
Helen Slottje, a lawyer in Ithaca, New York, was recently awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for her work “helping towns across New York defend themselves from oil and gas companies by passing local bans on fracking” (the US equivalent of anti-fracking bylaws). Her legal res…
View the post titled Anti-fracking bylaws: US Lawyer wins green Nobel prizeClean Air court win for US Environmental Protection Agency
The US Environmental Protection Agency has won an important court victory that may help clean the air in Ontario. About half of the air pollution in southern Ontario blows in from the US, mostly from coal-fired power generation stations. The EPA has been trying, for many years, to force thos…
View the post titled Clean Air court win for US Environmental Protection AgencyWind turbines don’t hurt property values
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has released a new report, again concluding that wind turbines do not adversely affect the value of nearby properties. “MPAC commissioned this study of the effects of industrial wind turbines (IWT) on the current value of property in…
View the post titled Wind turbines don’t hurt property valuesWaste Diversion Ontario and Stewardship Ontario to arbitrate
Waste diversion in Ontario is spawning an unusual amount of litigation this year. Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO), the delegated administrative authority which oversees several waste diversion programs under the Waste Diversion Act, is sending its breach of contract dispute with Stewardship On…
View the post titled Waste Diversion Ontario and Stewardship Ontario to arbitrateEnvironment Ministry to loosen law for waste-based alternative fuels that displace coal
Kudos to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment for finally coming to grips, at least a little, with the adverse environmental and environmental effects of labeling too many productive activities as “waste disposal”. The ministry’s proposed regulatory changes will remove t…
View the post titled Environment Ministry to loosen law for waste-based alternative fuels that displace coalMore Ontario Statements of Environmental Values proposed
The Ontario Ministries of Rural Affairs and of Agriculture and Food have each proposed a draft Statement of Environmental Values under the Environmental Bill of Rights. The Ontario Environmental Commissioner has, for many years, called for all ministries who make decisions with significant e…
View the post titled More Ontario Statements of Environmental Values proposedReceive Blog Posts
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