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Published on: 17 Jan 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ecojustice launches Northern Gateway lawsuit

Ecojustice has filed a lawsuit seeking a court order to force the Joint Review Panel to go back to the drawing board and remedy flaws in its final environmental assessment report on the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline. In December, the Joint Review panel recommended that the pipeline be a…

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Published on: 3 Jan 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Not many sad court decisions are this entertaining

“As a liar, Singh demonstrated the skill of a five-year-old.” A recent Ontario court decision vividly describes how bad it can be for a trusting family to become entangled with a crook. And for a trial judge who must listen for years, with endless patience, to that crook.  It is …

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Published on: 18 Dec 2013 By

Public access to approvals documents at Environmental Tribunal – Part 2

As mentioned in our previous post, there is a limited right of public access to approvals documents that are part of an application for an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA), or are part of the ECA itself, during an application for leave to appeal that ECA to the Environmental Review Tr…

View the post titled Public access to approvals documents at Environmental Tribunal – Part 2
Published on: 12 Dec 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bill 138: Ending Coal for Cleaner Air Act, 2013

The Ontario government has introduced Bill 138, Ending Coal for Cleaner Air Act, 2013,  to confirm their longstanding decision to end the use of coal at Ontario’s electricity generating facilities and to prohibit new stand-alone coal-fired generating facilities. Coal-fired electricity genera…

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