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Published on: 18 Feb 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Annual review of insolvency law: Why Abitibi rule is backwards

Dianne Saxe gave a well received presentation on the Abitibi case at the Annual Review of Insolvency Law in Montréal during the big snowstorm. In essence, Dianne believes that the Supreme Court’s decision, that the provincial environmental orders were subject to federal insolvency rule…

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Published on: 14 Feb 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ostrander Point, wind and birds: is it different?

There definitely are places where renewable energy projects should not go. The Prince Edward County Field Naturalists wants me, and you, to know why they think Ostrander Point is one of them, and why wind turbines should not be built there, of all places. This is not about the nocebo effect,…

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Published on: 12 Feb 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Anti-wind litigation: is there an end in sight?

After nearly two years of vigorous anti-wind litigation in Ontario, anti-wind activists have failed to satisfy any court or tribunal that wind energy development in accordance with government standards will cause serious harm. Many wind projects have been approved, and wind-based electrical …

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Published on: 8 Feb 2013 By

National Energy Board and safety rules for construction near pipelines

The National Energy Board (NEB) is proposing changes to three regulations1 governing construction and excavation activities around NEB-regulated pipelines, two of which have not been updated since they came into effect in 1988. For context, according to Alberta’s Energy and Resources Conserv…

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Published on: 29 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Quebec is still the place to be for environmental class actions

There continue to be more environmental class actions in Quebec than anywhere else in the country. Environmental Disasters Two new class actions were certified in Quebec last year arising from disastrous accidents: In Lessard c. Arcand, 2012 QCCS 275, a claim was certified for flooding damag…

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Published on: 24 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

First source protection plan approved under Clean Water Act

Source water protection is finally coming into force in Ontario. Nearly 13 years after the Walkerton water tragedy, Ontario has approved its first Source Water Protection Plan under the Clean Water Act. The Lakehead Source Protection Plan for the Thunder Bay area is the first  legally bindin…

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Published on: 22 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Equivalent wetland dedication is expropriation?

The Quebec Court of Appeal will soon decide an appeal on whether applications to destroy wetlands can be required to dedicate offsetting lands to become protected areas. However, the trial decision has already been overruled by the National Assembly. In Atocas de l’érable inc. c. Québe…

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Published on: 21 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

The 32 most alarming climate change charts

Grist has assembled the 32 most alarming climate change charts from the draft report of the US National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee, including sea level rise; billion-dollar weather disasters; annual days over 100°F; observed changes in heavy precipitation;  increas…

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