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Published on: 17 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Climate change burns while governments fiddle

Everywhere I look, I see galloping evidence of climate change. Last weekend, southern Ontario watched ski trails and ice rinks melt under the onslaught of record high temperatures and heavy rain. Spring perennials and bulbs were blooming in Toronto gardens, blooms that will be destroyed for …

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Published on: 16 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Chemtura fined $150,000 for air pollution leak

As environmental fines continue to increase, Chemtura Canada Inc. was fined $150,000, plus the victim fine surcharge of $37,500, for spilling sulphuric acid mist into the air, contrary to the Environmental Protection Act. Chemtura’s Toronto manufacturing facility produces sulfonates an…

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Published on: 15 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Air pollution: They're cleaner than you think?

Ontario’s air pollution regulation, 419/05, uses an American computer model to estimate how much air pollution from a stationary source reaches a point of impingement, usually the property boundary. This model, AERMOD, is used to determine whether organizations are complying with air e…

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Published on: 14 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

A new twist on anti-wind litigation: the Charter

Because of the social, environmental, and political importance of reducing carbon emissions and switching to renewable sources of energy, the Environmental Protection Act requires wind opponents to show that a renewable energy project will cause serious harm to human health, or serious and i…

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Published on: 9 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Energy transparency in Ontario public schools, a small step in the right direction

Congratulations to Gord Miller, Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner. Hours after he chided the province for concealing energy consumption information in public buildings, the province announced that energy consumption information for schools will be made public by July 1. It’s a…

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Published on: 2 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

New rules for boreholes and other test wells

The Ministry of the Environment is seeking public comment on a draft manual on test holes and dewatering wells. A “test hole” is a type of “well” that is made to obtain information about groundwater, and is not used or intended for use as a source of water for consumption. It includes virtua…

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Published on: 17 Dec 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

New Cycling Strategy for Ministry of Transportation

As ghost bikes (marking the site of a cycling death) multiply around Toronto, the Ministry of Transportation has announced its plans to respond to the Chief Coroner of Ontario’s “Cycling Death Review”. Comments on EBR posting 011-7552 are invited until January 31, 2013. As a first step, MTO …

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