Narrower Canadian Environmental Assessment Regime in force
The new Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, is now in force, and federal environmental screenings are a thing of the past.
View the post titled Narrower Canadian Environmental Assessment Regime in forceNarrow candidates for permit by rule: waste, solar, printing
The latest draft Approvals Reform regulations are another small step in the right direction. Clarifying and simplifying the requirements for routine, low impact activities, and reducing regulatory delay, is increasingly important if Ontario is to successfully compete for investment money an…
View the post titled Narrow candidates for permit by rule: waste, solar, printingMassachusetts expert panel on wind and health recommends comparing all energy sources
Typically, at distances larger than 400 m, sound pressure levels for modern wind turbines are less than 40 dB(A), which is below the level associated with annoyance in the epidemiological studies reviewed.... The considerations should take into account trade-offs between environmental and…
View the post titled Massachusetts expert panel on wind and health recommends comparing all energy sources$150,000 fine for $2 million chemical spill
Chemtura Canada, a chemical manufacturing company in Elmira, Ontario, was fined $150,00 for discharging 4200 kg of BLE-25 and 112 kg of acetone into the air.
View the post titled $150,000 fine for $2 million chemical spillShocking Greenland ice melt
Some parts of the public still doubt climate change, but climate scientists see its damage galloping ever faster than expected. As Ontario’s extraordinary heat triggered an upsurge in gun violence, wildfires and crop failures, Greenland ice cap watchers saw the biggest, fastest melt ev…
View the post titled Shocking Greenland ice meltShould I Incorporate My Business?
We get many calls each week from individuals considering incorporating their businesses. While each individual situation is unique and has its own set of circumstances, the following is a brief summary of some of the reasons why it may be beneficial to incorporate your business. Limitation …
View the post titled Should I Incorporate My Business?Probationary Periods – Tips for Employers
As an employer, do you rely upon probationary periods to terminate newly-hired employees who don’t work out, but where you don’t have “cause” in the normal sense? Do you rely on your probation language to avoid liability for pay in lieu of notice? If so, would your pr…
View the post titled Probationary Periods – Tips for EmployersDutch wind turbine noise study: strong link between money and annoyance
One of the strongest factors affecting annoyance, and sleep interruption, is whether the person was receiving financial benefits from the operation of the wind turbines.
View the post titled Dutch wind turbine noise study: strong link between money and annoyanceBig Drive Clean fines for car owners
Ontario car owners are now receiving thousand dollar fines, or higher, for trying to evade Drive Clean testing.
View the post titled Big Drive Clean fines for car ownersChrome contamination remediation researcher?
We’re looking for help on a research project relating to remediation of hexavalent chrome in soil and groundwater. Ideally, we’re looking for an environmental chemist or engineer with relevant training and experience interested in a one year contract. If interested, please send c…
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