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Published on: 6 Jul 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Climate crisis: Insurers Tell Weather Like It Is

Our federal government does not like to talk about climate change, so the Insurance Bureau of Canada has released a hard hitting report on the damage that climate change is already causing in Canada: Telling the Weather Story: Can Canada Manage the Storms Ahead?  This is the same message tha…

View the post titled Climate crisis: Insurers Tell Weather Like It Is
Published on: 27 Jun 2012 By

Ontario’s Court of Appeal Certifies Class Actions Questioning Overtime Policies

It turns out CIBC and Scotiabank will be required to defend their overtime policies against class actions by employees, according to the Court of Appeal. The banks had successfully defended certification motions in the lower courts on the grounds that the issues were not “common” enough amon…

View the post titled Ontario’s Court of Appeal Certifies Class Actions Questioning Overtime Policies
Published on: 25 Jun 2012 By

Minimizing Liability Now That The 24-Month Cap on Reasonable Notice Is In Question

Although we often tell clients that determining the reasonable notice period in any given situation is more art than science, one thing we’ve felt confident about is the 24-month cap – unless there are exceptional circumstances, no matter how much seniority an employee has and no matter what…

View the post titled Minimizing Liability Now That The 24-Month Cap on Reasonable Notice Is In Question
Published on: 22 Jun 2012 By

Don’t Forget to file your 2012 Customer Service Accessibility Report

Is your organization in the private or not-for-profit sector? Does it provide goods or services to the public or to third parties? Does it have 20 or more Ontario employees? If the answer is YES to all three questions, then your organization must file its 2012 Customer Service Accessibility …

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