ECO on Green Energy Act and Conservation
The prolific Environmental Commissioner of Ontario has issued his Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report for 2011 under the Green Energy Act, and he isn’t very impressed.
View the post titled ECO on Green Energy Act and ConservationMinimizing Liability Now That The 24-Month Cap on Reasonable Notice Is In Question
Although we often tell clients that determining the reasonable notice period in any given situation is more art than science, one thing we’ve felt confident about is the 24-month cap – unless there are exceptional circumstances, no matter how much seniority an employee has and no matter what…
View the post titled Minimizing Liability Now That The 24-Month Cap on Reasonable Notice Is In QuestionDon’t Forget to file your 2012 Customer Service Accessibility Report
Is your organization in the private or not-for-profit sector? Does it provide goods or services to the public or to third parties? Does it have 20 or more Ontario employees? If the answer is YES to all three questions, then your organization must file its 2012 Customer Service Accessibility …
View the post titled Don’t Forget to file your 2012 Customer Service Accessibility ReportKawartha Lakes to seek leave to appeal
The City of Kawartha Lakes has given notice that it will seek leave to appeal the Divisional Court’s decision, which upheld an MOE order against it. The Order required Kawartha Lakes, the victim of a third party oil spill, to pay for the cleanup of that spill on public property. This i…
View the post titled Kawartha Lakes to seek leave to appealQuarry approved on Escarpment
Did you think the Niagara Escarpment was actually protected? A Joint Board of the Ontario Municipal Board and the Environmental Review Tribunal have conditionally approved a massive new Walker Brothers quarry on the Niagara Escarpment, over the objections of the Niagara Escarpment Commission…
View the post titled Quarry approved on EscarpmentLiability for recreational trails
In our December article for Municipal World, we wrote about municipal liability to cyclists for failing to maintain roads in a proper state of repair. Municipalities could similarly find themselves liable as the occupiers of recreational path systems, if the trails are not adequately maintained.
View the post titled Liability for recreational trailsMunicipal incentives for Brownfields
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has released a very useful website, Municipal Financial Incentives for Brownfield Redevelopment – Trends among Ontario Municipalities to provide information and analysis on how Ontario municipalities are employing planning and financial tools to…
View the post titled Municipal incentives for BrownfieldsMOE wins: Kawartha Lakes must pay
innocent victims of contamination now have no defence against a Ministry cleanup order. They will be forced into the civil courts if they hope for any remedy
View the post titled MOE wins: Kawartha Lakes must payFood, climate change and the Unabomber
According to major climate change denier, the Heartland Institute, people who believe in climate change are like the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, and other terrorists. From their press release announcing the billboard:
View the post titled Food, climate change and the UnabomberFinancial Assurance after business closes
An MOE order for financial assurance can be enforced even after the business has closed and been evicted from its premises, and even without a full hearing by the Environmental Review Tribunal. The ERT had enough evidence to know that the cleanup would cost much more than the existing financ…
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