Bitter bedbug battle
Over the past decade, North America and western Europe have seen an alarming resurgence of bedbugs in homes, university dormitories, apartments and hotels. Although the reason for the proliferation of bedbugs is not clear, some attribute this to the increase in international travel, use of…
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Should it really take more than 22 years to clean up a domestic fuel spill?
View the post titled ERT rejects neighbours' plea re 22 year old spillHow much cadmium in your dinner?
Would you like to know how much cadmium is in your can of lunchmeat? Or lead in your chocolate chip cookie? Health Canada has just the table you need. The levels are generally low, but provide another reason to prefer to eat local, less processed food….
View the post titled How much cadmium in your dinner?Temporary Layoffs – Another Lesson for Unwary Employers
In July 2011, I posted a blog on Temporary Layoffs – A Lesson for Unwary Employers. Since then, on December 23, 2011, the Ontario Court of Appeal released an important decision dealing with temporary layoffs. This decision can be found at Elsegood v. Cambridge Spring Service (2001) Ltd. Th…
View the post titled Temporary Layoffs – Another Lesson for Unwary EmployersAnti-nuclear litigation in Japan
One year after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, evidence continues to accumulate of the widespread distribution of radioactive elements, including plutonium, which pose significant threats to human health and the environment. Meanwhile, environmental groups in Japan are launching litigation, …
View the post titled Anti-nuclear litigation in JapanMunicipal responsibility for cycling safety
As the number of cyclists increases, what must municipalities do to keep them safe?
View the post titled Municipal responsibility for cycling safetyZephyr Wind REA Appeal dropped
To date, every Renewable Energy Approval for a wind farm has been appealed to the Environmental Review Tribunal. The Environmental Review Tribunal rejected the first appeal, for the Kent Breeze wind farm, but ruled that it will allow the same or similar evidence in subsequent cases.11-208 MI…
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There are lots of employers in Ontario who have decided to exclude their executives from WSIB coveragein order to reduce those expensive premiums. The cost-savings can be significant but it is vital to ensure that you have the correct insurance coverage in place to pick up the slack. A recen…
View the post titled Mind the Gap! – WSIB Coverage for ExecutivesBizarre rules on Record of Site Condition
Here’s another bizarre rule about Records of Site Condition for contaminated sites where land-uses change:
View the post titled Bizarre rules on Record of Site ConditionAir Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Transportation
Environmental Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the Air Quality Impacts and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Provincial Transportation Projects. To provide a more defensible evaluation of the air quality/ greenhouse gas impacts of highway projects, used in environmental assessments, the Ministry…
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