Zofran: The Dangers of Off-Label Drug Use
The Class Actions team at Siskinds LLP recently commenced a new case against the pharmaceutical manufacturers of Zofran. The class action claim alleges that the drug manufacturers failed to warn that off-label use of Zofran is unsafe for pregnant women. Zofran is a powerful anti-nausea medic…
View the post titled Zofran: The Dangers of Off-Label Drug UseAvis Favaro of CTV News Interviews Jill McCartney of Siskinds LLP regarding Zofran Class Action
The Class Actions team at Siskinds LLP recently commenced a new case against the pharmaceutical manufacturers of Zofran. The class action claim alleges that the drug manufacturers failed to warn that Zofran was unsafe for pregnant women. Zofran is a powerful anti-nausea medication approved b…
View the post titled Avis Favaro of CTV News Interviews Jill McCartney of Siskinds LLP regarding Zofran Class ActionZofran Class Action Launched
Zofran On November 12, 2015, Siskinds issued the following media release to announce the launch of a class action regarding the prescription medication, Zofran. Zofran Media Release, November 12, 2015
View the post titled Zofran Class Action LaunchedCross-Border Cooperation in Class Action Litigation
This is an excerpt from an article written by Siskinds Class Action lawyers Ron Podolny and Daniel Bach and originally published by the American Association for Justice. Introduction Counsel in Canada and the U.S. frequently pursue parallel class actions on the basis of identical allegation…
View the post titled Cross-Border Cooperation in Class Action LitigationCompetition Class Actions Cross The Pond
North American style “opt-out” class actions are finally coming to the UK, albeit with a number of unique procedural and substantive modifications. The recent amendments contained in the Consumer Rights Act 2015, which amends the Competition Act 1998, signal a historic shift toward class pro…
View the post titled Competition Class Actions Cross The PondCanadian Courts’ Jurisdiction Over Foreign Defendants in Cases Arising From E-Commerce Relations
With the internet expanding its reach globally, the marketplace participants increasingly turn to it in order to foster their businesses. Manufacturers, distributors, retail stores and service providers take advantage of the internet in order to increase their customer base. Customers, simil…
View the post titled Canadian Courts’ Jurisdiction Over Foreign Defendants in Cases Arising From E-Commerce RelationsA Decade of Competition Law Class Actions: From Chadha to the ‘New Trilogy’
Abstract: The brief history of Canadian competition law class actions has been marked by a significant evolution in approach, from hesitancy to acceptance. The debate has focused on the evidentiary standard and the viability of indirect purchaser claims. Early attempts at certification in co…
View the post titled A Decade of Competition Law Class Actions: From Chadha to the ‘New Trilogy’Gift Card Expiry Dates – Know Your Rights and Get the Facts!
Gift cards are one of the most popular gifts during the holiday season. Whether you are buying them for friends and family, or a lucky recipient, it is helpful to know that there is legislation in place to protect consumers and prevent retail outlets from eating away at your generous gift by…
View the post titled Gift Card Expiry Dates – Know Your Rights and Get the Facts!Zungui Haixi Corporation (Français)
En octobre 2011, Siskinds LLP a intenté un recours collectif proposé en Ontario contre Zungui Haixi Corporation (« ZUN »), certains de ses dirigeants et administrateurs, les vérificateurs de ZUN, Ernst & Young LLP, et les soumissionnaires dans le cadre du placement initial des actions d…
View the post titled Zungui Haixi Corporation (Français)Autism Class Action
AUTISM CLASS ACTION Sagharian et al. v. York Region District School Board et. Al. Court File No. CV-05CV287168 CP Reasons for Judgment re: Discontinuance, dated June 15, 2012
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