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Published on: 20 Feb 2020 By ,

Cybersecurity and privacy considerations for Professionals

Professional organizations, including medical, dental and other health care practices, continually depend on technology and digital advancements to collect, store and organize information about their patients. Increasing use of electronic data and electronic medical records creates a heighte…

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Published on: 20 Jan 2020 By

Data Breach Awareness

Everyday hundreds of businesses across Canada have data incidents. From lost bins to hacked computers, businesses need to be aware of their privacy obligations they owe to their customers and clients. Indeed, businesses are now asking themselves not what if I have a data breach, but when wil…

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Published on: 13 Jan 2020 By

Understanding the differences between GDPR, CCPA, and PIPEDA – a guide for Canadian businesses

Gone are days of unregulated and untethered data gathering. With the rolling out of the California Consumer Privacy Act, Canadian businesses are now finding themselves navigating a sea awash with a patchwork of extraterritorial legislation. The laws are sometimes inconsistent, often vague, a…

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Published on: 9 Oct 2019 By

Google’s landmark win could set precedent for Canada

A landmark case from the European Union’s top court could spur Canada to create its own “right to be forgotten” laws, says cybersecurity lawyer Peter Dillon in a recent interview with AdvocateDaily.com. See the full article below. Google’s landmark win could set precedent for Canada By Mia C…

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Published on: 29 May 2019 By

Canadian case provides valuable lessons for crypto users

While cryptocurrency exchanges may not be the Wild West they once were, consumers are still advised to venture carefully into online currency territory, says Peter Dillon during a recent interview with AdvocateDaily.com. See the full article below. Canadian case provides valuable lessons for…

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Published on: 11 Dec 2018 By

E-signatures legally equivalent to handwritten ones

By Peter Dillon for AdvocateDaily.com As technology becomes more entrenched in the legal world, there’s been a shift in Ontario towards using electronic signatures (e-signatures). While federal and provincial laws both regulate e-signatures, most contract law falls under the authority of pro…

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Published on: 18 Oct 2018 By

Peter Dillon and Serge Anissimoff to deliver a lecture at Western University

On October 29, Peter Dillon and Serge Anissimoff will deliver a lecture to the Master of Management of Applied Sciences program at Western University. Peter will speak on the subject of upcoming trends in technology, including block chain, crypto currency and artificial intelligence. Serge w…

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