More Grief for MOE on Standards
Ministry of the Environment has a very bad year defending its environmental standards.
View the post titled More Grief for MOE on StandardsUS Congress demands safer children's toys
The United States Senate and House of Representatives have passed a sweeping new statute, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008. The Act, which the president cannot veto and will come into effect in six months, slashes the permissible level of lead in children’s products …
View the post titled US Congress demands safer children's toysUneven enforcement
Many problems still fall through the cracks.
View the post titled Uneven enforcementHurrah for the bottle ban!
With any luck, bottled water will fall from fashion as quickly and as thoroughly as cigarettes did.
View the post titled Hurrah for the bottle ban!Sunrise Propane: is it the regulators' fault?
Until now, there has been no evidence as to whether the TSSA is any more or less effective in protecting public safety than the government departments it replaced
View the post titled Sunrise Propane: is it the regulators' fault?Air Pollution: what's really there?
industries already subject to Regulation 419 have found it to be much more difficult and expensive than they expected.
View the post titled Air Pollution: what's really there?When a tree falls…
Yesterday’s crash of a heritage tree in High Park is another reminder of our need to pay more attention to the law regarding trees. Climate change greatly increases the importance of having trees in urban areas, for shade, to protect water, to provide wildlife and bird habitat and to k…
View the post titled When a tree falls…Light pollution and human health
Light pollution can disrupt melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate circadian rhythm and may be important in preventing cancers.
View the post titled Light pollution and human healthWhat is "storage"?
A recent Alberta case casts some light on the meaning of waste “storage”. Custom Environmental Services (CESL) sorts and recycles contaminated material, including PCBs. PCB material is brought to the CESL, sorted, cleaned, perhaps processed and placed in containers. Once a truckl…
View the post titled What is "storage"?Ontario joins Western Climate Initiative
Ontario has joined the Western Climate Initiative, North America’s largest green partnership, just in time for its third major Stakeholder Workshop. Most Canadian provinces are now Partners or Observers in the WCI, with the notable exceptions of Alberta and the Atlantic provinces. In f…
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