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Published on: 12 Oct 2017 By

What is an “Accident”: A Case Summary on Dittmann v. Aviva

The recent Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision of Dittmann v. Aviva Insurance Company of Canada[1] provides an interpretation of what qualifies as an “accident” pursuant to the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (“SABS”). Subsection 3(1) of the SABS defines “accident” as “an inciden…

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Published on: 14 Aug 2017 By

Contributory Negligence

Some clients come to us believing that they won’t succeed in a claim for damages because they were at fault, or partially at fault for the accident which caused their injuries. What these clients often don’t know is that the law doesn’t view who is at fault as a black and white issue. Courts can,...

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Published on: 9 Jun 2017 By

The Supreme Court confirms: Mental and physical injury are to be treated identically

– “[t]he loss of our mental health is a more fundamental violation of our sense of self than the loss of a finger” The unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, released June 2, 2017, confirmed that the law of negligence requires identical treatment of both mental and physical…

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Published on: 2 May 2017 By

How Long Do I Have to Make a Personal Injury Claim?

If you have been injured in an accident and wish to pursue a personal injury claim, you should be aware of the following time limits. Failure to take the necessary steps within these time limits could extinguish your legal rights. It is always recommended that you speak with a personal injur…

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