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Published on: 26 Nov 2020 By

Justice won’t wait – Ontario Court of Appeal finds against plaintiff who waited four years to bring a lawsuit

If you have been injured because of the actions of another, don’t sit and wait to see how things turn out. Our law limits the time you have to start a law suit. The Ontario Court of Appeal in Baig v. Mississauga, 2020 ONCA 697 recently reinforced what is now a well-established principle of l…

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Published on: 24 Nov 2020 By

Excluded benefits – General exclusions under Ontario’s no-fault accident benefits regime

In Ontario, an individual injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident can claim from the automobile insurance company for various benefits under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (the “SABS”). The purpose of the SABS is to allow an insured individual access to necessary treatment …

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Published on: 17 Sep 2020 By

Court finds against insurer who held insured to an “absurd” standard

Lamb v Cooperators, 2020 ONSC 4955 You’ve been struck by a car. You have pain in part of your body. You’re not yet entirely sure where. Then, yes, okay it’s your arm. Your arm hurts. But where exactly. It’s more your shoulder. How bad is the pain though? You think you might have hit your...

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Published on: 31 Jul 2020 By (She/Her)

Essential visitors, essential caregivers, and COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, strict guidelines have been put in place regarding visitors at long-term care homes. On June 10, 2020, the Chief Medical Officer of Health (“CMOH”) provided an update to “Directive #3” to include precautions and procedures for homes to follow in relation to mana…

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Published on: 21 May 2020 By

Some insurers offer stay-at-home drivers relief, but is it fair?

Anna Szczurko, personal injury lawyer at Siskinds LLP, comments on the relief measures being offered by some auto insurance companies in response to the pandemic. Read the full article in the London Free Press: Covid-19: Some insurers offer stay-at-home drivers relief, but is it fair?

View the post titled Some insurers offer stay-at-home drivers relief, but is it fair?
Published on: 12 May 2020 By

Innovating in London: The virtual ER at the Children’s Hospital

With the pandemic landscape shifting on a daily basis, we are all weighing our personal comfort in accessing medical support while weighing risks of what is, or is not, essential. Access to treatment, be it physiotherapy, occupational therapy or ongoing counselling is all weighed with the ri…

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Published on: 7 May 2020 By

Examination for discovery to proceed via video-conference

The legal landscape is changing: an examination for discovery has been ordered to proceed by way of video-conferencing in Arconti v. Smith 2020 ONSC 2782. One important procedural step in a legal proceeding, is examinations for discovery. It allows the parties to obtain important facts and e…

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