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Published on: 10 Jul 2024 By

The dangers of drip pricing: Shining a spotlight on hidden fees

When a consumer chooses to make a purchase based on a price displayed, they should be able to trust that price is accurate. Unfortunately, it is all too common for a shopper to be bombarded by surprise fees which are tacked on just before or even after credit card information has been entere…

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Published on: 9 Jul 2024 By ,

Suboxone tooth decay lawsuits on the rise in North America

Suboxone is a medication containing buprenorphine, which is a first-line treatment for opioid addiction. Suboxone is sold as oral tablets or film and is meant to be left in the mouth, either under the tongue or in the cheek, and allowed to dissolve to take effect. However, in recent years, r…

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Published on: 22 Apr 2024 By
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Opioid treatment drug Suboxone linked to tooth decay

Suboxone, a drug used for opioid dependence, has been reported to cause severe dental issues. Studies have shown a link between buprenorphine – an active ingredient in Suboxone – and an increased risk of severe dental harms. These issues include cavities, tooth decay, dental abscesses/infect…

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Published on: 1 Apr 2024 By
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Siskinds and Slater Vecchio Launch Recalled Cantaloupes Class Action

Siskinds LLP and Slater Vecchio LLP have initiated a class action against the growers and major distributors of the Malichita and Rudy brand cantaloupes (referred to as the “Defendants”), recalled at the end of 2023 after the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) confirmed positive cases of…

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Published on: 1 Mar 2024 By

Canadians who spent time at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina may be eligible for compensation

People who spent time at the Camp Lejeune military base in Jacksonville, North Carolina at any point between August 1953 and December 1987 were exposed to contaminated water and may be eligible for compensation for serious heath issues linked to toxic exposure. The US Marine Corps Base Camp …

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Published on: 10 Jan 2024 By

Large foodborne illness outbreak linked to Cantaloupe contaminated with Salmonella

As of December 22, 2023, there have been seven deaths and 164 confirmed cases of Salmonella in Canada linked to a nationwide outbreak arising from contaminated Cantaloupes. Symptoms of Salmonella infection include: Symptoms typically develop within 6 to 72 hours after consuming contaminated …

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Published on: 28 Dec 2023 By

McLean v. Canada (Attorney General) highlights the importance of filing a timely claim for compensation in a class action

A recent Federal Court case highlights the importance of timely claims in a class action claims process. While late claims may be accepted in extenuating circumstances, courts generally do not have jurisdiction to modify a settlement entered into by the parties. In McLean v. Canada (Attorney…

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Published on: 22 Dec 2023 By

I am affected by a class action. How does compensation work?

When a class member learns that they are part of a class action, they often wonder what that means in terms of compensation. Class actions often deal with complex issues, and it can take many years for the action to be resolved. When the action is resolved by way of settlement or monetary ju…

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