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Siskinds has extensive experience in the direct selling industry. Our Direct Selling practice includes all tax, trade, regulatory and licensing issues facing direct sellers establishing a business in Canada. We offer the following: 

  • Tax and structuring services, such as incorporation, GST/HST collection, as well as customs and importations issues; 
  • document review services, such as distributor agreements, procedure manuals, and marketing programs; 
  • compliance services, such as advisory opinions, provincial licensing, and non-registrant registrations; 
  • product-related services, such as packaging and labelling requirements, intellectual property, and trade issues; and 
  • additional services, such as privacy, anti-spam, and investment Canada. 

Our experienced team has also guided many foreign businesses that have entered the Canadian market. If you also wish for your business to enter and compete, we are here to help. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. 

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Peter Dillon

Partner - Franchise Law, Technology, Privacy, Cybersecurity

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How Canada and the U.S. prohibit pyramid schemes differently

The U.S. and Canada prohibit product-based pyramid marketing schemes in different ways. This…

27 Mar 2020 By

Expanding your multi-level marketing plan to Canada

The Competition Bureau: Achieving positive written opinions for multi-level marketers Canada…