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Environmental Law Practice Group Leader, Paula Lombardi will be speaking at the upcoming Energy and Water 2016 Symposium and Industry Summit.

Energy and Water 2016 Symposium and Industry Summit

Sustainable energy and water use will be the focus of an annual symposium and industry summit hosted by the University of Windsor on June 22-23, 2016.

Nearly 100 local and international scientists, engineers, policy makers, captains of industry and entrepreneurs will gather to question and propose solutions for sustainable water and energy utilization on a local and global scale. The Energy and Water 2016 Symposium and Industry Summit (EAW2016) is delivered in partnership with premier event sponsors, EnWin Utilities Ltd. and Union Water Supply System.

Dhana Niriella and Rob Bernardi of the Chatham-Kent Public Utilities Commission will join a panel on June 23 to examine energy conservation opportunities in wastewater treatment plants followed by Mark Michael MacKew, a Chatham-Kent barrister & solicitor, who will lead the Frontiers in Sustainable Energy and Water Panel.

The two-day event is open to all media, including a tour of the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant (LRWRP) at 3:15 p.m. on June 23. As part of its sustainability and energy conservation efforts, the LRWRP undertook an engineering study under the Save on Energy Process & Systems program. The program, provided by the Independent Electrical System Operator (IESO) and delivered by EnWin Utilities Ltd., resulted in the energy retrofits that will save the plant an estimated $191,000 annually. This behind-the-scenes tour, led by John Guidolin, the LRWRP manager of process engineering and maintenance, will showcase the energy efficient improvements made to the plant located at 4155 Ojibway Pkwy.

All technical sessions will take place in the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation in rooms 1101 and 1102 at 2285 Wyandotte St. W. A full conference program is attached.

Speaker and panel highlights include:

8:45am to 9:30am., June 22

Gord Miller Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, 2000-2015 

Miller will examine how two facets of climate change will transform the water and energy relationship in North America. In the physical world, the distribution of water across the continent in time and space is radically changing, creating a new hydrological game board for society to play on. How will that impact our energy supply, needs and use? In the geopolitical world, 177 nations have agreed to decarbonize energy systems. What are the policy implications, threats and opportunities presented to our existing water-energy systems by the climate treaty?

1:00pm to 1:45pm, June 22

Jose ZayasDirector of Wind and Water Technologies, United States Department of Energy

Zayas will address the burgeoning U.S. offshore wind scene and discuss how it will influence North America and the rest of the world. As director of wind and water technologies, Zayas manages efforts to improve performance, lower costs and accelerate deployment of wind and water power technologies in the U.S.

9:45am to 11:00am, June 23

Energy in Water and Wastewater Treatment featuring Dhana Niriella and Rob Bernardi, Chatham-Kent Public Utilities Commission

Terry Young, IESO vice-president of conservation and corporate relations, will moderate a panel of industry experts who will share their experiences and ideas on adopting energy conservation in water treatment (WT) and waste-water treatment facilities (WWT). These experts will discuss the incentives and opportunities available to integrate greater energy-efficiency into the day-to-day operations of WT and WWT facilities, as well the impacts on addressing climate change.

11:15am to 12:30pm, June 23

Frontiers in Sustainable Energy and Water Panel

This panel of experts will examine the latest renewable energy technologies and policies and discuss their role in our mandated low carbon economy and water scarce world.

  • Mark Michael MacKewBarrister & Solicitor, Mark Michael MacKew Professional Corporation. MacKew, the panel moderator, has represented the corporate side as well as the landowner side on some of the largest renewable energy projects in Ontario.
  • Lorry Wagner CEO, LEEDCo. The Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo) is developing a world-first commercial wind energy project in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Paula Lombardi Environmental Lawyer, Siskinds Environmental Group. Lombardi will discuss how critical renewable energies are to the environment and how policy must be designed so as not to encumber market development.
  • Francine Schlosser Director of Research and Interdisciplinary Learning, Entrepreneurship, Practice, and Innovation Centre (EPICentre) University of Windsor’s own, Dr. Schlosser, will talk about the policy challenges that have faced the solar tech sector and how ingenuity must rise in the face of embedded agency.

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