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Kathleen Wynne’s Transition Team is led by Monique Smith, former MPP and Cabinet member. It includes a wide range of interests and experience, but no one outstanding for their environmental commitment or experience:

  • Tom Allison: Kathleen Wynne Campaign Manager
  • Arnold Chan: Vice President, Aboriginal Affairs and General Counsel, Xeneca Power Development Inc. and former political staff advisor
  • Bernadette Clement: Lawyer at the S.D.G Legal Clinic and former Cornwall City Councilor
  • David Crombie: Former Member of Parliament and Mayor of Toronto
  • Tony Dean: Former Secretary of the Cabinet and Clerk of the Executive Council
  • Don Drummond: Chair of the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services (Drummond Report)
  • Jan Innes: Vice President of Public Affairs of Rogers Media and former Executive Assistant to Premier David Peterson
  • Frances Lankin: Co-Chair of the Social Assistance Review Commission, former Ontario MPP (NDP) and former Cabinet Minister
  • Dr. Ben Levin: Canada Research Chair in Education Leadership and Policy at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
  • Lyn McLeod: Former Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party and former Cabinet Minister
  • Glen Murray: Former Minister of Research and Innovation and was Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities until resigning to run as a candidate
  • Elaine Todres: Former Deputy Minister and was involved in previous provincial public service ‘transformation’
  • Angus Toulouse: Regional Chief of Ontario and from the Sagamok Anishinawbek First Nation and an elected member of the AFN Executive Committee
  • Greg Sorbara: Former Minister of Finance and former Ontario Liberal Party Campaign Co-Chair
  • Hari Suthan Subramaniam: Former Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
  • Maria Van Bommel: Former Member of Provincial Parliament, Lambton—Kent—Middlesex.

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