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Partner - Class Actions

Contact Charles
Phone: 519.660.7753
Fax: 519.672.6065

Charles practises exclusively in the area of mass tort and class action litigation.


Indiana University (B.A.B.S., 89),
University of North Carolina School of Law (Chapel Hill) Visiting Student 1992-93
University of Toronto LL.B., 1993

Called to the Bar in 1995

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Charles is a Siskinds’ partner and leader of the class actions group. Having practiced almost exclusively in the area of class actions since his call to the Bar in 1995, Charles has broad experience in the area.

Charles is widely recognized for his dispute resolution skills and has been heavily engaged in the resolution of various types of cases in different jurisdictions. He has also been at the forefront of the development of law in many areas including class certification, settlement approval including objector rights, competition law cases, and litigation funding. Amongst the higher profile cases Charles has played a senior role on over the course of his career are the VW diesel litigation, transvaginal mesh litigation, Sino Forest securities litigation, LCD and CRT price fixing litigation, and Sun Life and Manulife vanishing premiums litigation.

Charles is regularly reviewed by third party publications and his colleagues as a top plaintiff class action lawyer in the country. He is one of only three plaintiff lawyers ranked in Tier 1 by Chamber and Partners and has received similar recognition by Benchmark Canada and Best Lawyers. In 2014, Charles received a Zenith award for having been at the forefront of class action litigation for over ten years.

Over the course of his career, Charles has been involved authoring numerous articles and textbooks (including Class Actions Law and Practice, Butterworths, 1999), teaching (Western University), and speaking at class action, antitrust, securities, and other conferences in Canada and internationally. He has also served as a board member of various national and international groups, particularly in the competition law area.

Charles M. Wright recognized by Best Lawyers 2017

Memberships and Associations

Middlesex Law Association, Member
American Association of Justice, Member
Law Society of Ontario, Member
ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Member

Awards and Recognition

  • 2019, 2021-2025, named to the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory
  • Charles Wright has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers™ in Canada 2016 to 2025. He has been recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada since 2006 for Class Action Litigation
  • 2014, recipient of a Lexpert Zenith Award for his work at the forefront of class action law in Canada for over ten years
  • 2014, Siskinds ranked 16th overall in the global ranking of the world's 50 leading securities class action law firms, the highest ranking ever attained by a Canadian firm. It is compiled annually by Securities Class Action Services, a unit of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
  • Since 2012, named to the Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide for Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada
  • Since 2012, chosen directly by his peers to be published in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as a leading practitioner
  • 2012, named to Lexpert’s list of leading litigators in their Globe and Mail insert "Report on Business Special Edition: Litigation"; For the years 2012 and 2013, named to Lexpert’s  Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada
  • 2013, 2014, 2020 and 2021 named by Chambers & Partners, Chambers Global: Dispute Resolution: Class Action (Plaintiff) - Canada - as a leading practitioner Benchmark Canada
  • Benchmark Canada, Local Litigation Star (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) - Ontario
  • Benchmark Canada, Litigation Star (2013, 2014) - Canada, Class Action
  • Class Actions - Siskinds LLP named as the top-ranked Canadian firm in the "SCAS 50." Siskinds was the first Canadian firm to rank in the top 50 and has been the top Canadian firm each year since 2010
  • 2009, LawDay Directory of Leading Lawyers: recognized as among the 50 Leading Practitioners in the practice area of Class Action-Plaintiff


Notable Work and Decisions

Counsel of record or played a major role in the following class actions:


  • Fanshawe College v Sony Optiarc, Inc. (Optical Disc Drives)
    2014 ONSC 6096
  • Airia Brands Inc v Air Canada (Airfreight Surcharges) – Settlements, to date, reached with 8 groups of defendants,
    [2007] OJ no 2430 (SCJ)
    [2007] OJ no 5031 (SCJ)
    [2008] OJ no 1065 (SCJ)
    [2009] OJ no 709 (SCJ)
    [2009] OJ no 710 (SCJ)
    [2011] OJ no 3275 (SCJ)
  • Fanshawe College v LG Philips LCD Co. Ltd. (Liquid Crystal Display (“LCD”)) –Settlements, to date, reached with 5 groups of defendants, totalling $37.6 million.
    [2009] OJ no 5002 (SCJ)
    [2011] OJ no 2337 (SCJ)
  • Fanshawe College v Hitachi, Ltd. (Cathode Ray Tubes (“CRT”) – Settlement reached with defendant group.
  • Irving Paper Limited v Atofina Chemicals Inc. (Hydrogen Peroxide) – Settlements, to date, reached with 5 groups of defendants.
    [2006] OJ no 4311 (SCJ)
    [2008] OJ no 1427 (SCJ)
    [2009] OJ no 4021 (SCJ); leave to appeal denied [2010] OJ no 2472 (SCJ)
  • Osmun v Cadbury Adams Canada Inc (Chocolate) – Settlements reached with 4 groups of defendants, resolving the litigation.
    [2009] OJ no 5566 (SCJ)
    [2010] OJ no 1877 (SCJ); aff’d [2010] OJ no 5304 (CA); leave to appeal to SCC denied
    [2010] OJ no 2093 (SCJ)
  • Ford v Degussa-Huls AG (Methionine) - Settlements reached with 3 groups of defendants.
    [2010] OJ no 2014 (SCJ)
  • 799376 Ontario Inv (c.o.b. Lonsdale Printing Services) (Trustee of) v Cascades Fine Papers Group Inc. (Carbonless Paper) – Settlement of $2.95 million.
    [2008] OJ no 2671 (SCJ)
  • La Cie McCormick Canada Co v Stone Container Corp (Linerboard) - Settlements reached with 3 groups of defendants, resolving the litigation.
    [2006] OJ no 3321 (SCJ)
  • Stone Paradise Inc. v Bayer Inc. (EPDM) - Settlements reached with 5 groups of defendants.
    [2005] OJ no 5657 (SCJ)
  • Mura v Archer Daniels Midland Co (Lysine) - Settlement reached with defendant group.
    [2003] BCJ no 1086
  • Newly Weds Foods Co. v Pfizer Inc. (Maltol) - Settlement reached with defendant group.
  • Bona Foods Ltd. v Ajinomoto U.S.A., Inc. (MSG) - Settlements reached with 4 defendant groups.
    [2003] OJ no 4734 (SCJ)
    [2004] OJ no 908 (SCJ)
  • Bona Foods Ltd v Pfizer Inc (Sodium Erythorbate) - Settlement reached with defendant group.
    [2002] OJ no 5553 (SCJ)
  • Alfresh Beverages Canada Corp v Archer Daniels Midland Co. (Citric Acid) – Settlement of approximately $8 million reached with defendant group.
    [2001] OJ no 6028 (SCJ)
  • Alfresh Beverages Canada Corp. v Hoechst AG. (Sorbates) - Settlement reached with 1 defendant group.
    [2002] OJ no 79 (SCJ)
  • Vitapharm Canada Ltd. v F. Hoffman-LaRoche Ltd. (Various vitamin products)
    - National settlement of approximately $148 million.
    [2001] OJ no 237 (SCJ)
    (2001), 6 C.P.C. (5th) 245, aff'd [2002] O.J. No. 1400 (Div. Ct.)
    [2002] OJ no 298 (S.C.J.), 20 C.P.C. (5th) 351, 111 A.C.W.S. (3d) 471
  • Ritchie-Smith Feed, Inc. v. Rhône-Poulenc Canada Inc. (Vitamins) - Settlements reached with defendant groups.
    [2005] BCJ no 857 (SC)


  • Dugal v Manulife Financial Corporation
    [2011] OJ no 1239 (SCJ)
    [2011] OJ no 1240 (SCJ)
    2014 ONSC 1347
  • Smith v Sino-Forest Corporation - $117 million partial settlement with Ernst & Young.
    2012 ONSC 24
  • Genier v CCI Capital Canada Ltd.
    [2005] OJ no 1135 (SCJ)
    [2008] OJ no 161 (SCJ)
    [2008] OJ no 633 (SCJ)
  • Snelgrove v. Cathay Forest Products Corp. – Settlement of $1.9 million.
    2013 ONSC 7282
  • Zaniewicz v Zungui Haixi Corporation – Settlement of $10.85 million.
    2013 ONSC 5490
  • West Coast Soft Wear Ltd. v 1000128 Alberta Ltd. – Settlement of $9.99 million.
    [2010] OJ no 5247 (SCJ)
  • Metzler Investment GMBH v Gildan Activewear Inc. - North American settlement of US$22.5 million.
    [2009] OJ no 3315 (SCJ)
  • Omers Administration Corp v CP Ships Ltd (formerly McCann v. CP Ships Ltd.) – National settlement of $12.8 million.
    [2009] OJ no 5182 (SCJ)
    [2010] OJ no 5249 (SCJ)
  • Gould v BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. - North American settlement of US$21 million and CDN$4.55 million.
    [2007] OJ no 1095 (SCJ)

Product Liability

  • White v IKO Industries Ltd. (Roofing Shingles)
    [2010] OJ no 2954 (SCJ)
    Barwin v. IKO Industries Ltd., 2012 ONSC 3969
    Barwin v. IKO Industries Ltd., 2013 ONSC 3054
  • Wong v Sony Corp. (DVD Player) – Settlement reached resolving the litigation.
    [2008] OJ no 3096
  • Allen v Uponor Ltd. (Plumbing Products) - National settlement for damages, warranty extension and the cost to repair or replace.
  • Gariepy v Shell Oil Co. (Polybutylene Pipe) - Settlements reached with each of 3 defendants resolving the litigation.
    [2004] OJ no 5309 (Div Ct)
    [2005] OJ no 505 (Div Ct)
  • Kelman v Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (Entran II hose) - North American settlement of approximately US$300 million.
    [2005] OJ no 175 (SCJ)
  • Crawford v The Corporation of the City of London (Condominium Fireplaces) - Settlement reached for expenses of converting wood burning fireplaces to gas insert fireplaces.
    [2000] OJ no 989 (SCJ); leave to appeal denied [2000] OJ no 2088 (SCJ)
  • Rosati v Ipex USA LLC (Plumbing Products) - North American settlement of $125 million.

Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices

  • Bisignano v La Corporation Instrumentarium Inc. (TMJ Implants) – National settlement of approximately $9.4 million.
    1999 CarswellOnt 3834 (S.C.J.)
  • Breast Implant Litigation - Settlements reached with Bristol Myers, Baxter Healthcare and Dow Corning Corporation totalling in excess of $40 million.
  • Bendall v. McGhan Medical Corporation
    1993 CarswellOnt 394, 16 C.P.C. (3d) 156, 106 D.L.R. (4th) 339, 14 O.R. (3d) 734 (Gen. Div.)
  • Serwaczek v. Medical Engineering Corporation
    1996 CarswellOnt 3182, 13 O.T.C. 63, 3 C.P.C. (4th) 386, O.J. No. 3038 (Gen. Div.)
  • Burke v. American Heyer-Schulte Corp.
    (1994), 21 C.P.C. (3d) 137, O.J. No. 141 (Ont. Ct.(Gen. Div.)), aff'd [1997] O.J. No. 3925 (Ont. C.A.) (O.L.)
  • Conlon v Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Co. (Tequin) - National settlement of approximately $5 million.
  • Doucette v Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Co. (Stadol NS) - National settlement of approximately $12.4 million.
  • Knowles v. Wyeth-Ayerst Canada Inc. (Pondimin) - National settlement of approximately $11.3 million.
    [2001] OJ no 1812 (SCJ)
    [2001] OJ no 2880 (SCJ)
    [2001] OJ no 2881 (SCJ)

Employment and Benefits

  • Kranjcec v Ontario (Ontario Government Retirees Health Benefits) - Settlement of $20 million.
    [2004] OJ no 19 (SCJ)
    [2006] OJ no 3671 (SCJ)
  • Huras v. Primerica Financial Services Ltd. - Settlement for class alleging breach of Employment Standards Act (failure to pay for mandatory training).
    [2000] OJ no 1474 (SCJ); appeal dismissed [2001] OJ no 3318 (CA)
    [2000] OJ no 3772 (CA)
  • Penton v Parker Canada Holding Co. – Settlement for damages for wrongful dismissal from mass termination.
  • Smith v Krones Machinery Company Ltd. – Settlement of approximately $1.4 million for damages for wrongful dismissal resulting from mass termination.
    [1999] OJ no 5113 (SCJ)
    [2000] OJ no 66 (SCJ)
  • Reble v. Navistar International Corporation Canada - Settlement for non-union retirees whose post-retirement health benefits were reduced.

Consumer Protection

  • Helm v. Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited – Settlement of $5.84 million following summary judgment argument.
    2012 ONSC 2602
  • Munro v. Bausch & Lomb Inc. (17 October 1997), London 22610 (Ont. Ct. (Gen. Div.). [unreported] - Three province settlement (Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia) with compensation of approximately $4 million.


  • Gray v. Great-West Lifeco Inc. - Settlement reached stemming from demutualization of Canada Life and its subsequent purchase by Great-West Lifeco Inc.
    2011 MBQB 13
  • Dabbs v Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada (Vanishing Premiums)
    [1997] OJ no 3528 (Gen Div)
    [1998] OJ no 1598 (Gen Div)
    [1998] OJ no 2811 (Gen Div)
  • Haney Iron Works Ltd. v Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (c.o.b. Manulife Financial) (Vanishing Premiums)
    [1998] BCJ no 2936 (SC)
  • McKrow v Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Vanishing Premiums)
    [1998] OJ no 4692 (SCJ)

Publications and Speaking

  • Co-author - Canadian Competition Law Review Vol. 37 No. 2 (2025), The new abuse of dominance regime in Canada—an opportunity for greater enforcement and access to justice
  • Author - "Practical Tips for Managing Class Actions" (Canadian Bar Association, New Brunswick CLE Conference, October 2014)
  • Co-Author - "Third-Party Funding for Class Actions, and Control Over the Litigation" (2014) 55 Can. Bus. L.J. 165
  • Co-Author - "Class Action Counsel Fees: A Fair and Reasonable Approach" (Osgoode Hall Law School, 8th National Symposium on Class Actions, April 2011)
  • Authored a chapter in the American Antitrust Institute’s The International Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010)
  • Co-Author – Class Actions Law and Practice (Butterworths, 1999)

Community Involvement

Charles attended Indiana University for undergraduate studies on a tennis scholarship and then attended University of Toronto law school. He has continued to be engaged in sport and tennis, winning a silver medal for Canada at the 1997 Maccabiah Games, presently acting as co-captain of the Canadian Gordon Cup tennis team and competing nationally. Charles was formerly a Board Member with the Boys and Girls Club of London and is currently a supporter of KidSport.

In the News

Charles has appeared in the following news articles, segments, and publications:

  • March 2, 2021 - Bill Kelley Show segment, hosted by Global News Radio AM900 CMHL. Charles provides insight into Bill 161, explaining how it could make it harder for people to take legal action in court.
  • February 18, 2020 - CTV News, "Canadian drivers eligible to take part in $25.6M price-fixing scheme settlement," written by Cillian O'Brien. Charles highlights the opportunity for consumers and businesses to recover overpayments on millions of vehicles sold in Canada as a result of alleged price-fixing in the automotive industry.

Charles is a Siskinds’ partner and leader of the class actions group. Having practiced almost exclusively in the area of class actions since his call to the Bar in 1995, Charles has broad experience in the area.

Charles is widely recognized for his dispute resolution skills and has been heavily engaged in the resolution of various types of cases in different jurisdictions. He has also been at the forefront of the development of law in many areas including class certification, settlement approval including objector rights, competition law cases, and litigation funding. Amongst the higher profile cases Charles has played a senior role on over the course of his career are the VW diesel litigation, transvaginal mesh litigation, Sino Forest securities litigation, LCD and CRT price fixing litigation, and Sun Life and Manulife vanishing premiums litigation.

Charles is regularly reviewed by third party publications and his colleagues as a top plaintiff class action lawyer in the country. He is one of only three plaintiff lawyers ranked in Tier 1 by Chamber and Partners and has received similar recognition by Benchmark Canada and Best Lawyers. In 2014, Charles received a Zenith award for having been at the forefront of class action litigation for over ten years.

Over the course of his career, Charles has been involved authoring numerous articles and textbooks (including Class Actions Law and Practice, Butterworths, 1999), teaching (Western University), and speaking at class action, antitrust, securities, and other conferences in Canada and internationally. He has also served as a board member of various national and international groups, particularly in the competition law area.

Charles M. Wright recognized by Best Lawyers 2017

Middlesex Law Association, Member
American Association of Justice, Member
Law Society of Ontario, Member
ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Member

  • 2019, 2021-2025, named to the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory
  • Charles Wright has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers™ in Canada 2016 to 2025. He has been recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada since 2006 for Class Action Litigation
  • 2014, recipient of a Lexpert Zenith Award for his work at the forefront of class action law in Canada for over ten years
  • 2014, Siskinds ranked 16th overall in the global ranking of the world's 50 leading securities class action law firms, the highest ranking ever attained by a Canadian firm. It is compiled annually by Securities Class Action Services, a unit of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
  • Since 2012, named to the Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide for Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada
  • Since 2012, chosen directly by his peers to be published in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as a leading practitioner
  • 2012, named to Lexpert’s list of leading litigators in their Globe and Mail insert "Report on Business Special Edition: Litigation"; For the years 2012 and 2013, named to Lexpert’s  Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada
  • 2013, 2014, 2020 and 2021 named by Chambers & Partners, Chambers Global: Dispute Resolution: Class Action (Plaintiff) - Canada - as a leading practitioner Benchmark Canada
  • Benchmark Canada, Local Litigation Star (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) - Ontario
  • Benchmark Canada, Litigation Star (2013, 2014) - Canada, Class Action
  • Class Actions - Siskinds LLP named as the top-ranked Canadian firm in the "SCAS 50." Siskinds was the first Canadian firm to rank in the top 50 and has been the top Canadian firm each year since 2010
  • 2009, LawDay Directory of Leading Lawyers: recognized as among the 50 Leading Practitioners in the practice area of Class Action-Plaintiff


Counsel of record or played a major role in the following class actions:


  • Fanshawe College v Sony Optiarc, Inc. (Optical Disc Drives)
    2014 ONSC 6096
  • Airia Brands Inc v Air Canada (Airfreight Surcharges) – Settlements, to date, reached with 8 groups of defendants,
    [2007] OJ no 2430 (SCJ)
    [2007] OJ no 5031 (SCJ)
    [2008] OJ no 1065 (SCJ)
    [2009] OJ no 709 (SCJ)
    [2009] OJ no 710 (SCJ)
    [2011] OJ no 3275 (SCJ)
  • Fanshawe College v LG Philips LCD Co. Ltd. (Liquid Crystal Display (“LCD”)) –Settlements, to date, reached with 5 groups of defendants, totalling $37.6 million.
    [2009] OJ no 5002 (SCJ)
    [2011] OJ no 2337 (SCJ)
  • Fanshawe College v Hitachi, Ltd. (Cathode Ray Tubes (“CRT”) – Settlement reached with defendant group.
  • Irving Paper Limited v Atofina Chemicals Inc. (Hydrogen Peroxide) – Settlements, to date, reached with 5 groups of defendants.
    [2006] OJ no 4311 (SCJ)
    [2008] OJ no 1427 (SCJ)
    [2009] OJ no 4021 (SCJ); leave to appeal denied [2010] OJ no 2472 (SCJ)
  • Osmun v Cadbury Adams Canada Inc (Chocolate) – Settlements reached with 4 groups of defendants, resolving the litigation.
    [2009] OJ no 5566 (SCJ)
    [2010] OJ no 1877 (SCJ); aff’d [2010] OJ no 5304 (CA); leave to appeal to SCC denied
    [2010] OJ no 2093 (SCJ)
  • Ford v Degussa-Huls AG (Methionine) - Settlements reached with 3 groups of defendants.
    [2010] OJ no 2014 (SCJ)
  • 799376 Ontario Inv (c.o.b. Lonsdale Printing Services) (Trustee of) v Cascades Fine Papers Group Inc. (Carbonless Paper) – Settlement of $2.95 million.
    [2008] OJ no 2671 (SCJ)
  • La Cie McCormick Canada Co v Stone Container Corp (Linerboard) - Settlements reached with 3 groups of defendants, resolving the litigation.
    [2006] OJ no 3321 (SCJ)
  • Stone Paradise Inc. v Bayer Inc. (EPDM) - Settlements reached with 5 groups of defendants.
    [2005] OJ no 5657 (SCJ)
  • Mura v Archer Daniels Midland Co (Lysine) - Settlement reached with defendant group.
    [2003] BCJ no 1086
  • Newly Weds Foods Co. v Pfizer Inc. (Maltol) - Settlement reached with defendant group.
  • Bona Foods Ltd. v Ajinomoto U.S.A., Inc. (MSG) - Settlements reached with 4 defendant groups.
    [2003] OJ no 4734 (SCJ)
    [2004] OJ no 908 (SCJ)
  • Bona Foods Ltd v Pfizer Inc (Sodium Erythorbate) - Settlement reached with defendant group.
    [2002] OJ no 5553 (SCJ)
  • Alfresh Beverages Canada Corp v Archer Daniels Midland Co. (Citric Acid) – Settlement of approximately $8 million reached with defendant group.
    [2001] OJ no 6028 (SCJ)
  • Alfresh Beverages Canada Corp. v Hoechst AG. (Sorbates) - Settlement reached with 1 defendant group.
    [2002] OJ no 79 (SCJ)
  • Vitapharm Canada Ltd. v F. Hoffman-LaRoche Ltd. (Various vitamin products)
    - National settlement of approximately $148 million.
    [2001] OJ no 237 (SCJ)
    (2001), 6 C.P.C. (5th) 245, aff'd [2002] O.J. No. 1400 (Div. Ct.)
    [2002] OJ no 298 (S.C.J.), 20 C.P.C. (5th) 351, 111 A.C.W.S. (3d) 471
  • Ritchie-Smith Feed, Inc. v. Rhône-Poulenc Canada Inc. (Vitamins) - Settlements reached with defendant groups.
    [2005] BCJ no 857 (SC)


  • Dugal v Manulife Financial Corporation
    [2011] OJ no 1239 (SCJ)
    [2011] OJ no 1240 (SCJ)
    2014 ONSC 1347
  • Smith v Sino-Forest Corporation - $117 million partial settlement with Ernst & Young.
    2012 ONSC 24
  • Genier v CCI Capital Canada Ltd.
    [2005] OJ no 1135 (SCJ)
    [2008] OJ no 161 (SCJ)
    [2008] OJ no 633 (SCJ)
  • Snelgrove v. Cathay Forest Products Corp. – Settlement of $1.9 million.
    2013 ONSC 7282
  • Zaniewicz v Zungui Haixi Corporation – Settlement of $10.85 million.
    2013 ONSC 5490
  • West Coast Soft Wear Ltd. v 1000128 Alberta Ltd. – Settlement of $9.99 million.
    [2010] OJ no 5247 (SCJ)
  • Metzler Investment GMBH v Gildan Activewear Inc. - North American settlement of US$22.5 million.
    [2009] OJ no 3315 (SCJ)
  • Omers Administration Corp v CP Ships Ltd (formerly McCann v. CP Ships Ltd.) – National settlement of $12.8 million.
    [2009] OJ no 5182 (SCJ)
    [2010] OJ no 5249 (SCJ)
  • Gould v BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. - North American settlement of US$21 million and CDN$4.55 million.
    [2007] OJ no 1095 (SCJ)

Product Liability

  • White v IKO Industries Ltd. (Roofing Shingles)
    [2010] OJ no 2954 (SCJ)
    Barwin v. IKO Industries Ltd., 2012 ONSC 3969
    Barwin v. IKO Industries Ltd., 2013 ONSC 3054
  • Wong v Sony Corp. (DVD Player) – Settlement reached resolving the litigation.
    [2008] OJ no 3096
  • Allen v Uponor Ltd. (Plumbing Products) - National settlement for damages, warranty extension and the cost to repair or replace.
  • Gariepy v Shell Oil Co. (Polybutylene Pipe) - Settlements reached with each of 3 defendants resolving the litigation.
    [2004] OJ no 5309 (Div Ct)
    [2005] OJ no 505 (Div Ct)
  • Kelman v Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (Entran II hose) - North American settlement of approximately US$300 million.
    [2005] OJ no 175 (SCJ)
  • Crawford v The Corporation of the City of London (Condominium Fireplaces) - Settlement reached for expenses of converting wood burning fireplaces to gas insert fireplaces.
    [2000] OJ no 989 (SCJ); leave to appeal denied [2000] OJ no 2088 (SCJ)
  • Rosati v Ipex USA LLC (Plumbing Products) - North American settlement of $125 million.

Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices

  • Bisignano v La Corporation Instrumentarium Inc. (TMJ Implants) – National settlement of approximately $9.4 million.
    1999 CarswellOnt 3834 (S.C.J.)
  • Breast Implant Litigation - Settlements reached with Bristol Myers, Baxter Healthcare and Dow Corning Corporation totalling in excess of $40 million.
  • Bendall v. McGhan Medical Corporation
    1993 CarswellOnt 394, 16 C.P.C. (3d) 156, 106 D.L.R. (4th) 339, 14 O.R. (3d) 734 (Gen. Div.)
  • Serwaczek v. Medical Engineering Corporation
    1996 CarswellOnt 3182, 13 O.T.C. 63, 3 C.P.C. (4th) 386, O.J. No. 3038 (Gen. Div.)
  • Burke v. American Heyer-Schulte Corp.
    (1994), 21 C.P.C. (3d) 137, O.J. No. 141 (Ont. Ct.(Gen. Div.)), aff'd [1997] O.J. No. 3925 (Ont. C.A.) (O.L.)
  • Conlon v Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Co. (Tequin) - National settlement of approximately $5 million.
  • Doucette v Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Co. (Stadol NS) - National settlement of approximately $12.4 million.
  • Knowles v. Wyeth-Ayerst Canada Inc. (Pondimin) - National settlement of approximately $11.3 million.
    [2001] OJ no 1812 (SCJ)
    [2001] OJ no 2880 (SCJ)
    [2001] OJ no 2881 (SCJ)

Employment and Benefits

  • Kranjcec v Ontario (Ontario Government Retirees Health Benefits) - Settlement of $20 million.
    [2004] OJ no 19 (SCJ)
    [2006] OJ no 3671 (SCJ)
  • Huras v. Primerica Financial Services Ltd. - Settlement for class alleging breach of Employment Standards Act (failure to pay for mandatory training).
    [2000] OJ no 1474 (SCJ); appeal dismissed [2001] OJ no 3318 (CA)
    [2000] OJ no 3772 (CA)
  • Penton v Parker Canada Holding Co. – Settlement for damages for wrongful dismissal from mass termination.
  • Smith v Krones Machinery Company Ltd. – Settlement of approximately $1.4 million for damages for wrongful dismissal resulting from mass termination.
    [1999] OJ no 5113 (SCJ)
    [2000] OJ no 66 (SCJ)
  • Reble v. Navistar International Corporation Canada - Settlement for non-union retirees whose post-retirement health benefits were reduced.

Consumer Protection

  • Helm v. Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited – Settlement of $5.84 million following summary judgment argument.
    2012 ONSC 2602
  • Munro v. Bausch & Lomb Inc. (17 October 1997), London 22610 (Ont. Ct. (Gen. Div.). [unreported] - Three province settlement (Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia) with compensation of approximately $4 million.


  • Gray v. Great-West Lifeco Inc. - Settlement reached stemming from demutualization of Canada Life and its subsequent purchase by Great-West Lifeco Inc.
    2011 MBQB 13
  • Dabbs v Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada (Vanishing Premiums)
    [1997] OJ no 3528 (Gen Div)
    [1998] OJ no 1598 (Gen Div)
    [1998] OJ no 2811 (Gen Div)
  • Haney Iron Works Ltd. v Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (c.o.b. Manulife Financial) (Vanishing Premiums)
    [1998] BCJ no 2936 (SC)
  • McKrow v Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Vanishing Premiums)
    [1998] OJ no 4692 (SCJ)
  • Co-author - Canadian Competition Law Review Vol. 37 No. 2 (2025), The new abuse of dominance regime in Canada—an opportunity for greater enforcement and access to justice
  • Author - "Practical Tips for Managing Class Actions" (Canadian Bar Association, New Brunswick CLE Conference, October 2014)
  • Co-Author - "Third-Party Funding for Class Actions, and Control Over the Litigation" (2014) 55 Can. Bus. L.J. 165
  • Co-Author - "Class Action Counsel Fees: A Fair and Reasonable Approach" (Osgoode Hall Law School, 8th National Symposium on Class Actions, April 2011)
  • Authored a chapter in the American Antitrust Institute’s The International Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010)
  • Co-Author – Class Actions Law and Practice (Butterworths, 1999)

Charles attended Indiana University for undergraduate studies on a tennis scholarship and then attended University of Toronto law school. He has continued to be engaged in sport and tennis, winning a silver medal for Canada at the 1997 Maccabiah Games, presently acting as co-captain of the Canadian Gordon Cup tennis team and competing nationally. Charles was formerly a Board Member with the Boys and Girls Club of London and is currently a supporter of KidSport.

Charles has appeared in the following news articles, segments, and publications:

  • March 2, 2021 - Bill Kelley Show segment, hosted by Global News Radio AM900 CMHL. Charles provides insight into Bill 161, explaining how it could make it harder for people to take legal action in court.
  • February 18, 2020 - CTV News, "Canadian drivers eligible to take part in $25.6M price-fixing scheme settlement," written by Cillian O'Brien. Charles highlights the opportunity for consumers and businesses to recover overpayments on millions of vehicles sold in Canada as a result of alleged price-fixing in the automotive industry.

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Jennifer Bald

Law Clerk