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Even in an era of specialization, it is important for new lawyers to have a broad foundation of exposure to many different areas of the law. Our articling program gives students an opportunity to explore a broad range of areas of the law during the articling year. We also attempt to take students’ specific interests into consideration to provide an opportunity to develop areas of personal legal interest.

During the articling program assignments are equitably distributed to our students, which exposes them to a broad variety of working styles. Articling students work closely on more complex projects which may include civil motions, trials, administrative hearings, and labour arbitrations, as well as mediation and arbitration hearings, and a range of corporate transactions. They are given the opportunity to function as independently as possible, taking into consideration their own comfort level and that of their supervising lawyer. Articling students also handle Small Claims Court files from start to finish, where they are expected to meet with clients, develop a management plan and see the file through to completion.

Siskinds is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to an inclusive, barrier-free recruitment process. Please view the page, In Our Firm, for more information about initiatives related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. If you are a person with a disability and require accommodation to successfully submit an application, please contact us to submit your accommodation request.

Our Articling program in London runs from the beginning of August to the beginning of June (10 months). All of our 2025/2026 Articling Students positions have been filled at this time.

Program Rotation

Articling students in London are divided into three rotations: Business Services Division, Personal Services Division and Class Actions. This structure allows the students the opportunity to work in different practice areas and with a variety of different lawyers and staff.

Student Lecture Series

During the articling year, a series of skill and knowledge building sessions are arranged on a variety of subjects. The topics cover all of our areas of practices as well as practice management. There are approximately 35 skill- and knowledge-building sessions throughout the year. Beyond providing valuable information, these sessions give our students a great opportunity to meet with many of Siskinds’ top lawyers in a small group setting.

Feedback and Mentoring

Each student is assigned both a senior mentor and a junior mentor tasked with guiding the student’s integration into the firm. This mentoring team meets regularly with the student to discuss and monitor workload, feedback and the student’s exposure to the areas of law within the various departments.

Hire-Back Procedures

In early spring, the Articling Committee presents its recommendations to firm management. We have historically extended hire-back offers in mid-April.

Compensation & Benefits

Our London articling students receive a salary that is at the upper end of the pay scale for London firms. In addition to receiving their salary during articles, students will also be paid for 15 days while they are studying for and writing their licensing examinations.

Students are entitled to participate in our medical and dental plans throughout the term of their employment with us.

Law Society Process Fees
The firm pays the LSO processing and the Call to the Bar fees for students if they are hired back as associate lawyers. For those students hired back in litigation practices, Siskinds will also pay for their robes.

We support and encourage the physical well-being of all members of the firm. As such, we offer a fitness credit to all articling students, which may be applied towards an annual fitness membership or class.

Other Perks
Subsidized downtown parking, a state-of-the-art building, social committee events and catered lunches to socialize with staff and lawyers are some of the additional perks of joining our team!

Our London office

Our 65,000-square-foot office, located in the City Centre Towers offers a technologically advanced environment. Comfort, efficiency and ease-of-use are priorities in the hardware, software, processes, policies and furnishings that comprise our overall workspace.


Siskinds’ London office abides by the recruitment procedures set out by the Law Society of Ontario.
Applications are accepted through the viLawPortal and should be addressed to the Articling Committee.
Thank you for your interest in our Articling Program. All of our 2025/2026 Articling Students positions have been filled at this time.

Articling Committee

For inquiries, please contact Rob De Toni, Director, Student and Associate Professional Resources.
Learn more about Anna Szczurko.

Anna Szczurko

Partner - Personal Injury
Learn more about Jill McCartney.

Jill McCartney

Partner - Medical Negligence, Class Actions
Learn more about Rob De Toni.

Rob De Toni

Director, Student and Associate Professional Resources
Learn more about Camille Riggs.

Camille Riggs

Counsel - Family Law
Learn more about Christopher Sinal.

Christopher Sinal

Partner - Labour & Employment
Learn more about Emily Foreman.

Emily Foreman

Partner - Personal Injury