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American ColumboThe Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is taking another small step towards doing something for nine endangered species. Recovery “strategies” have been announced; now the government has to say what they will actually do to implement them.

The nine species at risk are:
• American Columbo
• American Eel
• Bird’s-foot Violet
• Northern Madtom
• Pugnose Shiner
• Slender Bush-clover
• Virginia Goat’s-rue
• Willowleaf Aster
• Wolverine

Recovery strategies consistent with the requirements of Section 11 of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 were finalized for these species on November 22, 2013 and are available on the MNR Species at Risk website at the following link.http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/Species/2ColumnSubPage/MNR_SAR_SPEC_RCVRY_STRAT_EN.html

The finalization of these recovery strategies triggers the requirement to develop a government response statement in relation to each recovery strategy. Each government response statement will provide the government’s goal for the recovery of the species and a summary of the prioritized actions the Government of Ontario intends to take in response to the associated recovery strategy. The development of the government response statements will be completed in two stages.

During stage 1, the public is invited to review the final recovery strategies and submit comments through the Environmental Registry, as well as through an online survey about the goals and actions the Government of Ontario should consider in the development of government response statements. These comments and the recommendations contained within the recovery strategies will be considered in the development of the proposed government response statements.

During stage 2, the proposed government response statements will be made available to the public on the MNR Species at Risk website. The public will be invited to review and comment on the proposed government response statements.

Development of government response statements in relation to final recovery strategies for nine species at risk published on November 22, 2013 in accordance with the Endangered Species Act, 2007.

 See EBR Registry Number: 012-0405


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